It´s not our fault
The constantly expanding alternative electronic scene is taking over the entire globe by storm and there seems to be no stopping it. Europe, Australia, North America, Asia and even Africa have all fallen in love with this refreshing new sound which cleverly combines electro, rock and even elements of pop. Where were we again, oh yeah, Africa, especially South Africa has a flourishing indie-tronic community which is headed by the talented producer Haezer, the number one act from this red hot region. Talking about hot, this boy is surely on fire and is about to explode. And to prove he really means business and wants to conquer the worldwide music market, Haezer is about to drop his new 12inch on the internationally respected Freakz Me Out label, which is based in Germany, the home of electro. WTFIH is the modest title of this peek time bomb. After hearing this track just once, no clubber will ever question who the f**k Haezer is, they will know who their dealing with from now on. Because this intoxicating mix of screamo, electro-clash and nu-rave is more than contagious and will cause bloody footprints on the dance-floor. To back up this club monster, the African artist has top-notch producers remixing WTFIH. The wild men Cyberpunkers from Italy have made this track their own and offer a powerful yet groovy variation of the song. The shooting-star Belzebass also delivers an all systems go adaptation of the great original. The German act Saint Pauli do what they do best and pimp this daddy with a rocket boosted engine, look out Autobahn. The Irish duo Deadbots take Who The F**k Is to the pub next door and get it wasted before sunset, a rough modification to say the least. So quickly apply some sun tan lotion, because South Africa may be way down south but is heading north at light-speed. Haezer is top of the class and you better believe it…