Bad Guy
"Bad Guy" is about a kind of person who is very much exaggerated today in the media. Some glorify this person, others vilify this person. Few talk about how a human being comes to the point to make the choices that get you labeled as a "Bad Guy". The bad guy who's story unfolds in this song is a composite of real human beings who were really just kids who lived in the streets, making desperate decisions. This song is not to justify every "Bad Guy" there is, but it designed to address the human reality behind the "Bad Guy" label as I know it. "Bad Guy" the song was originally scored in the film by Igneous Features "Turtle & The Nightingale" to show how youngsters these days are making themselves feel tough by listening to music that depict the exaggerated "Bad Guy". This song is a remix from that original piece to expand a different kind of youngster who is labeled a "Bad Guy" for being a youngster of his time. Thank you for listening.