Everybody Needs Love
Each song I purposed to be stepping stones regarding the "feel" of the music in my soul. I have rerecorded the song I wrote back in 1958 that started my career "Just A Dream." I wrote the other 9 songs in 2010 and 2011. The two duets I wrote specifically for Terri McPhail Chaisson and myself. I am very proud of this CD and feel that these songs have taken my song writing and recording to a new level. I remember having written all the music and the words for this CD entitled "Everybody Needs Love," and saying out loud, "Lord, I am not this good. What you have done with this music, only YOU through Jimmy could accomplish. For that, my Lord, I am grateful and so thankful to You for what You have done." Thank you to the genius of Pershing Wells of Sac-a-Lait Productions in Houma, LA my producer, arranger and engineer. Thank you to all my fans and friends. if it were not for you, I doubt this CD would have come forth! I hope you enjoy my legacy CD. Luv, Jimmy