Conclusion (feat. JAY'ED)
"UNI-Qreatives," also known as "UNI-Q," a creative crew based in Tokyo that is rapidly establishing its presence in the R&B scene, is known for their "UNI-Q Co-write Project". This initiative has attracted a continuous stream of both upcoming new-generation artists and legendary figures. They have unveiled a new single to their collection. For the sixth installment of this project, they have collaborated with a figure who has solidified the genre of R&B in Japan. Not only celebrated as a singer but also shining recently as a creator and producer, they have onboarded the legendary singer, JAY'ED. "Conclusion" is a collaborative effort of UNI-Q and JAY'ED, singing the emotions of a lover who's questioning the gradual cracks appearing in a relationship feeling as if they are becoming strangers. The track splendidly harmonizes with JAY'ED's soft, silky vocals and UNI-Q's track that interweaves organic and electronic elements.