Reflections from the Wine Country
也许你对 The Marquis Ensemble 这个团队并不熟悉,但是对于其核心人物——David Arkenstone 和 Diane Arkenstone 两位大师想必是如雷贯耳吧。大师就是大师,什么音乐风格都可以信手拈来,易如反掌。不看介绍初听这张2001年发表的《Reflections From The Wine Country 葡萄酒乡的印象》,估计没有人会联想到这两位大师。风格实在是差异很大!没有了强烈的节奏感,少了丰富多彩的音效采样,去除了如梦似幻的女声吟唱,有的只是干净纯粹的器乐演奏,和扑面而来的田园气息。 这似乎是不需要你去专心聆听的音乐,它只需要放在背景中,你可以自顾自的做你的事情,丝毫不会受到干扰,偶尔还能体会到刹那间的轻松和明媚。这似乎又是需要去专心聆听的音乐,每天驻留在钢筋混凝土森林中的你,有多久没有闻到过泥土的芬芳了?束缚已久的心灵和思想有多久没有进行过彻底的释放?疲惫不堪的身体上一次和大自然亲密接触是在什么时候?……因为这些以上种种,那么,又怎能随意错失这样的音乐?因此,暂时抛开琐碎的烦扰,打开音箱,闭眼躺下,将四肢伸展到不能伸展,让《Reflections From The Wine Country 葡萄酒乡的印象》肆意充盈你所有的毛孔,让身体里的每个细胞被惬意环绕...... It is said that "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder." I believe every word of that. Had someone asks me 5-6+ years ago what I think about this album, then as one whose music tastes were in Pop/Rock/Alternative, my first and only response would be that "It is boring, and it puts me to sleep!" No disrespect intended for the artists, but shame on me for my ignorance. Now, an avid listener of the New Age/World/Celtic genres for the last 4-5 years, I have a deeper appreciation for music in these categories and my answer will be very different. And having said that... This beautiful, outstanding album was composed by gifted composer and extraordinary multi-instrumentalist, Diane Arkenstone, whose great talents have forever changed my perspectives of music. Before, music was just another form of background noise and really didn't have much meaning to it. It now evokes the senses with majestic visions and reaches into the soul with its heartfelt soothing, healing sounds. "Reflections from the Wine Country" was the first album that brought such sights and feelings to me. Diane masterfully illustrated the beauty of the vineyard through these delicate soundscapes with tracks like "Morning Mist," "Echoes of Tuscany" and the heart-stirring "The Hills At Sunset." In addition to enjoying these canvases, one is also invited to celebrate the different seasons on the vineyard with "The Spring Rose," "A Taste of Summer" and the awe-inspiring "The Breath of Autumn." My favorite track is "A Gentle Rain"--one can almost feel the raindrops dappling on the leaves and enjoy the refreshing sensations that the rain brings--it is exuberant feeling! This is now one of my favorite CDs in my music collection. I would play it just about every Sunday afternoon; and no, I do not fall asleep to it. The lesson learned was that it sometimes will take a second time around for true beauty to be recognized and appreciated. Each listen brings new experience and exciting adventure. Fall in love with the music--guided by piano, woodwinds, strings, percussion and guitar--as Diane and her ensemble bring to life the beauty of this magnificent land.