Sweet Music
We feel Mark Wilkinson x Kenny Thomas 'Sweet Music' is a surefire 2016 summer monster, thanks to Power Promotions this is already on heavy rotation in clubs around the world so it's set to run and run, Kenny's vocals are masterful and Mark's tight production delivers just what you need, with a full remix package to follow get on the original now and spread the 'Sweet Music' vibe! We hope you enjoy! Thank you All @ Kidology London http://on.fb.me/MarkWilkinsonKidology http://soundcloud.com/kidologylondon http://soundcloud.com/djmarkwilkinson http://twitter.com/#!/kidologylondon http://twitter.com/#!/djmarkwilkinson Kidology supports Crisis, Last night a DJ saved my life & MACS charities... Last Night a DJ Saved My Life MACS Crisis