Heart and Souls
Marc Shaiman专辑介绍:一次交通意外,改变了汤马士的一生,皆因自他出生那天,四个来自不同背景的游魂野鬼已经伴他左右。可是成长中的汤一直过着不大愉快的童年生活,因此他们讨论后决定助汤一臂之力,令他事事顺境,结果反而弄出连串笑话。 Heart and Souls balances standard light comedy fare from composer Marc Shaiman with familiar pop and R&B hits, including the Four Seasons' "Walk Like a Man" and Ray Charles' "What I'd Say." Like the movie it accompanies, the soundtrack is amiable, undemanding, and completely forgettable. For whatever reason, Shaiman largely forgoes the film's quirkier elements to focus on capturing its bland sentimentality, composing a series of tender, heartfelt themes as sweet and as satisfying as a packet of sugar substitute. However, if you've ever longed to hear Robert Downey, Jr. interpret "The Star Spangled Banner," then Heart and Souls is the soundtrack for you.