Prokofiev: Symphonies Nos. 3 & 7
Onyx presents the first release in a complete Prokofiev symphony cycle featuring Kirill Karabits and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. Karabits has had access to the Prokofiev family archive, so throughout this project there will be quite a few surprises. The present recording includes the Symphonies Nos.3 and 7. The third makes extensive use of music from the opera The Fiery Angel. It is a vividly colorful work, sensual and exciting. The seventh dates from 1952, the year before the composer's death. Intended as a work for young people, it harkens back to the great ballet scores. Prokofiev provided an alternative 'upbeat' conventional ending to the symphony at the request of colleagues so as not to provoke criticism from the Soviet authorities. This alternative finale is included after the symphony. Today the work is always performed with the reflective peaceful 'leave taking' ending that the composer preferred.