Hommage À Polska
This CD has been given away for free exclusively at concert held in Poland, 17th of Semptember 2009. There were 5000 copies pressed. On the front cover reads "Utwór poświęcony 70. rocznicy agresji sowieckiej na Polskę" which means "Track dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Soviet aggression on Poland". In the insert there are credits (written in Polish) - and one mistake (Klawisze: Klaus Shulze - Keyboards: Klaus Shulze instead of Schulze). Also there is a note informing that is a promo and not for sale. There are some sort of sleeve notes written in Polish: "Dziękuję, Polsko. Po raz pierwszy przyjechałem do Polski 26 lat temu. Przywitano mnie z otwartymi ramionami. Polacy zawsze byli dla mnie świetną publicznością i jestem wdzięczny, że mogę wracać do tego pieknego kraju od czasu do czasu. Czuję się zaszczycony, że poproszono mnie o napisanie utworu dedykowanego wydarzeniom 17 września". English translation is: "Thank You, Poland. I've visited Poland for first time 26 years ago. I was greeted with open hands. Poles were for me an excellent audience and I am very thankful that I can return to that beautiful country from time to time. I feel honoured for being asked to compose a track dedicated to the events from 17th of September. Klaus Schulze"