My Darling Child
「你要记得,不管发生什么事,妈妈一定会在你身边陪着你。」由曾沛慈深情献唱的电影《BIG》主题曲。 "You must remember, whatever happens, Mom will be there with you." Theme song by Pets Tseng from the film 《BIG》. Performed by 曾沛慈 Pets Tseng Produced and Arranged by Ricky Ho Strings Orchestra performed by 曜爆甘音乐工作室 Just Busy Music Studio Piano : Ricky Ho Cello solo : 吴玟錤 Wen-Chi Wu Vocal recording engineer : 张闵翔 Min-Hsiang Chang Vocal recorded at 白金录音室 Platinum Studios Mixed and mastered by 张闵翔 Min-Hsiang Chang