Skeewiff VS. KPM
Skeewiff Vs KPM Ladies & gentlemen.. we are positively thrilled to bits to present an album we have literally been waiting all our lives to make. For your listening pleasure (and our utterly remixabubble delight) we present to you.. “SKEEWIFF VS KPM” Fans of Skeewiff will know from early records such as “Theme from Dave Allen”, “Catch me if you can” & more recently “A la Mode” & “Lucky Jackpot” that we have always had a penchant for 1960s British Mood Music. Legendary artists such as Alan Hawkshaw, Syd Dale, Keith Mansfield, Brian Bennett & Don Lusher have always had a profound influence on us, and their utterly timeless and infectious grooves are echoed in more or less every thing we do. So, you can probably imagine the utter bewildering excitement that overcame us when we were approached by KPM to make this album. With KPM being the home of all the most legendary writers of that era, and us having completely worn out our Vinyls of the KPM 1000 series recordings, it was an album that we positively had to make. In fact, had KPM not offered – we probably would have made it anyway! So, without further ado, here it is… an album we are so proud of, it actually hurts. Available for download for a limited time only. Much Love Al, Skeewiff