Carmen Consoli,意大利女歌手,有人称其为意大利最出色及最敏锐的音乐人之一。其民谣曲风结合了古典元素、爵士、慵懒的Bossa Nova,还带有相当浓厚的西西里风情,清爽的吉他弹奏,低喃的大提琴音律,配上独特的带有些细雨阴霾的嗓音,彷彿是一注注温柔的声波,在心头滋润出一片葱绿。 ELETTRA Synchrotron Light Laboratory is a national synchrotron laboratory located in Basovizza on the outskirts of Trieste, Italy. The facility, available for use by the Italian and international scientific communities, houses several ultrabright light sources, which use the sychrotron and free electron laser (FEL) sources to produce light ranging from ultraviolet to X-rays. The spectral brightness available on most beamlines is up to 1019 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1%bw and the peak brightness of the FEL sources is expected to go up to 1030 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1%bw. The centre also houses the European Storage Ring FEL Project (EUFELE).