If You Stay - Digital Single
.. Hey what's going on guys:) My name is Joe but i go by ..Joseph Vincent.. when i have that musical piece of wood hanging from my shoulders. I've been singing/songwriting for a couple of years now and I'm just trying to get my music/message/story out there just like anyone else. If you want to chill and relax while listening to some decent music than take a seat, or lie down, press play, and prepare yourself for a smooth ride of simple yet ear-catching sounds:) ...... This is a little something i wrote when I was sitting in the back of the car in Hawaii using the titles of my songs. ...... "Just ..(Take a Break).. and I'll be ..(Here For You).. even if I'm ..(Stubborn) (Until Tomorrow) .. with my ..(Rosy Cheeks)... There will always be ..(Trouble in Paradise).. which causes me to start ..(Holding Back).. and think about what is ..(On My Mind)..,all those ..(Random Thoughts).., and what i did ..(Late Last Summer)... So as ..(Raindrops).. fall, I realize that I will always need the ones close to me because I .. (Can't Do it Alone..)." ...... .. -Joseph Vincent .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................Upcoming Events.... by Eventful.. .