by death_metal_doll Zeno were a German band of this soft Euro metal, a la Europe or Stratovarius (actually not so horrific, fortunately), with a very 80s' sound, and yes: lots and lots of 80s' keyboards. Usually I dribble graciously this kind of offers, cuz the Gouda and the Parmesano don't fit me alright in the stomach, but alas: these Zeno knew some mysterious trick that makes me sing along all their pasteurized tunes of Euro glam like a half-wit. And this is "Zeno", possibly the most ass-hat album in the history of the recording industry, and it is a damned avalanche of hits for me (and I realise that only for me): 'Eastern sun', 'A little more love', 'Signs on the sky', 'Far away', 'Emergency', 'Don't tell the wind', 'Heart on the wing', 'Sent by Heaven'...there is practically no filler stuff, and I feel oh so guilty for liking this cheese: look at me feeling guilty. It must be because of their capacity and skill for the cheap and easy melody, lacking of the least artistic decency; it must be because of its conceptual bad taste, it must be because of its absolute absence of aesthetic dignity, that I have to shout to the world, like a schoolgirl in love, how great, how awesome "Zeno" is?