Tokyo Police Club released on the better debut EPs of the Aughts with 2006’s a Lesson in Crime, and if the band’s debut LP Elephant Shell didn’t maintain the momentum in 2008, the band has ackowledged as such. Drummer Greg Alsop admitted to the Vancouver Sun that the band rused to release Elephant Shell given the hype surrounding a Lesson in Crime, and the band has taken more time on their sophomore release, Champs. Tokyo Police Club started writing the songs for Champs in the fall of 2008, right after touring in support of their first full-length. The band has hinted at longer and more guitar oriented tracks on the follow-up, and has boasted in particular about “End of a Spark” and “Gone,” the latter of which is a “hometown shoutout to Newmarket, Ontario. The band will be touring North America in the summer of 2010.