戒不掉的情歌 让人太沉迷 7 自小7就是他的幸运数字。小时候足球校队球衣号码是7、长大以後单张专辑创下七白金销售、安立奎的第七张专辑「七次想念」 6 刚与环球音乐签约时,唱片公司不断的把知名创作人的歌曲寄给安立奎,希望他来挑歌并且演唱。唱片公司错了轴och. 安立奎、身为拉丁天王胡立欧的儿子,从小封闭自己,16岁开始、藉着写歌与外界接触;现在走红全球,仍然以创作传递他的内心世界。「七次想念」让安立奎付出了全心全意:除了一手包办填词工作,更募集世界上顶级6大天王制作人共同创作,包括Paul Barry与Mark Taylor(为爱走天涯专辑),Kara DioGuardi (席琳狄翁)、Tony Bruno、Alex Ander (蜜雪儿)与Rob Davis (凯莉米洛)。 5 只写自己的经历,无法杜撰故事,安立奎是如此描述自己写歌的过程。专辑中第5首作品,也是首发抒情主打濯ochAddicted/沉迷埖och 是在2002巡回世界演唱会於德国下榻饭店中,在黑夜里写下的自己对爱情的疑问。 4 拥有拉丁血统热情浪漫的性格,安立奎结交不少圈内好友;其中4位更是从电影界跨界演出他的音乐作品:威尔史密斯(Bailamos),米基洛克、珍妮佛修露薏丝(Hero)与美国新生代演员密夏芭顿(Addicated)。 3 从拉丁情人到走红全球,安立奎在全球创下3,000万张累积销售。 2 比任何知名拉丁歌手出道的早,却也是唯一一位持续在歌坛上发光发热。不只是得天独厚的外表,还有他独一无二的实力。告示牌音乐大奖、 MTV音乐大奖之外、葛莱美奖「最佳拉丁流行歌曲演唱人」及拉丁葛莱美奖「最佳流行专辑」2座大奖。 1 第1位成功登陆台湾、第1位改写英国金榜冠军纪录、唯一一位以情歌持续溶化世界的心、情歌只听这一位:安立奎。(KKBOX) by John Bush While on his Spanish-language albums Enrique Iglesias allows himself to focus on ballad material, his English albums must please a wider audience -- scattered Latin pop fans, straight pop listeners, Wal-Mart shoppers, and of course, his passel of female worshipers. 7 accomplishes all that and more, positioning Iglesias as not only a drop-dead pop crooner who whispers everything middle-aged housewives want to hear, but also as a hip, knowing postmodern vocalist closer to Kylie Minogue than Ricky Martin. Iglesias can please several crowds at once because, first of all, they're not that different and, second, his production team deftly arranges the hipness while he can remain the earnest balladeer. Alex Ander and Rob Davis, one of two main teams working on the record, quote freely but well: "California Callin'" is "The Boys of Summer" by way of New Order, while "The Way You Touch Me" and "Break Me Shake Me" are very good Fleetwood Mac rewrites. Given arrangements with teeth, Iglesias responds with a set of solid performances, ones that suit his audience but also offer something to listeners who aren't immediately captivated by the faraway look in his eyes on the cover. Pardon the occasional pandering lyric, as on "Free" ("...free to do the dirty things you like"), as well as the occasional awkward tenderness ("I was alone, grasping for my sanity/Your beauty came, free of vanity/Opened my mind, gave me your anatomy"), or that Latin cry he occasionally inserts into his voice; 7 is a solid pop album from an artist with someone to seduce, if not something to say.