Take Off-1st Album-EP
이번 앨범은 T-Fire 두 번째 유닛이 부릅니다. 은 Way V 원곡 2소팀 Fire(SHOOT)가 리메이크한 작품입니다. 천선의 도시에 와서 신화를 찬양하며 허리를 굽혀 방금 형성된 세계에 대해 本アルバムはT-Fire第2小分隊が歌う Way V原唱第二小分隊Fire(SHOOT)によるカバー作品 あなたは天選の城に来て風靡しました 神話を謳歌して腰をかがめる できたばかりの世界に This album is performed by T-Fire's second team Cover work by Fire (SHOOT), the second team of Way V original singers You came to the chosen city and became popular Singing praises of mythology, I bend down my waist For the newly formed world