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[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com  [00:03.99]大家好everybody welcome to an other morning English podcast my name is Jack 大家好 [00:09.51]我是卡啦 [00:10.14]欢迎收听 [00:10.77]今天这一期的早安英文car what are your plans for the weekend I have been decided yet probably just lounge around the house and what about you well I mostly excited for watching English and on saturday and exercise for Dis apart from I was planning on going to see [00:29.79]我不是姚生 [00:31.56]我不是要谁 [00:32.67]我不是姚生 [00:33.84]how do you know that is well my Chinese friend mentioned it today actually he said that is really worth watch plus my we chat moments had just been 强哥现在好low Co 啊 [00:47.85]就每天刷wechat moments 来刷朋友圈好像呃you dont want to feel left out right yeah I dont feel left out I mean thats why I thought we could talk about this today so I could find out more as much as anything 好的 [01:02.82]所以呢 [01:03.27]强哥就是从朋友 [01:04.32]圈里面就是发现很多人都都讲这是一部worth a watch 的片子就是非常值得一看的片子 [01:11.61]所以呢 [01:12.06]自己不想要的left out 不想要就是感觉跟不上潮流 [01:17.16]不想out [01:18.27]那我们今天呢就来一起聊一聊这部我不是药神最近非常火的这部片子啊 [01:24.24]如果说你想要查看我们今天节目的文字笔记呢 [01:27.18]就到我们早安英文的微信公众号私信回复笔记两个字就可以啦 [01:32.22]So car have you already seen this movie I have indeed okay good please dont give me any spoilers [01:39.24]哈哈 [01:40.20]好的好的dont worry I want spoil er 是什么意思呢 [01:43.47]就是剧透 [01:44.67]所以平时啊 [01:45.48]如果说大家看到什么 [01:46.62]就是前方剧透预警啊 [01:48.33]就是会讲spoiler alert [01:51.36]所以 [01:53.80]就是last weekend last weekend I thought it was an show until like today tomorrow 吧 [02:02.74]明天friday 啊 [02:04.72]但是我看的是那个叫什么电影hollis 电影JMLTD 啊 [02:12.37]对对就是limited release 电影的意思 [02:16.33]我明白了so it has had its like pre mia 呃呃然后给大家解释一下 [02:24.97]刚刚讲了一个那个那个那个throw in my tiny limited release 就是点映吗 [02:32.74]然后呢首映的话 [02:33.94]我们叫做premiere premiere 但是呢 [02:36.82]呃会有一个difference between British and American accent or is so in British English we say premiere premiere in American English de se premiere premiere 嗯 [02:52.18]是不是还可以讲debby [02:54.36]Wu so w w is de first of some think so you could have a debut album 啊 [03:02.91]就第一张专辑baby performance 啊 [03:06.03]首次表演这种这个词呢 [03:09.12]给大家拼一下的but [03:11.34]但是他茨维那个T 呢 [03:12.90]是一个silent e 不发音的啊 [03:15.48]所以他读的比so I have seen the trailer for this movie yet but I m gonna watch it after Dis po cast so I get better idea of you know why I think with trailer 就是 [03:28.40]啊 [03:28.91]这是预告片的意思照片 [03:32.03]照片哦 [03:35.06]对对一看到pronounce 遇遇你可以啊 [03:39.14]那鱼香肉丝呢 [03:41.09]鱼香肉丝 [03:42.62]你可以试试哦 [03:46.49]The trailer looks 预告片看起来超赞的okay so Du name of this movie in English is dying to survive do you think this is better than a Chinese name actually I do think so [04:01.01]真的因为中文名就是让人觉得说他就是一个就是一个comedy [04:06.56]但其实对啊 [04:08.24]我一进去之后 [04:09.11]I cried so hard 对我觉得失声痛哭的呃 [04:29.53]Dying to survive so you you literally dying because I want to survive so is a clever play on words 对对对所以这个就是非常非常的想要活下来 [04:41.20]但是呢 [04:41.74]大家知道这个戴鹤survive 有一种 [04:44.32]这个opposite 就是刚好相反的感觉 [04:46.96]所以就非常巧妙 [04:48.10]我们中文呢 [04:48.91]可以翻译成向死而生 [04:52.09]嗯so I think its a tricky names to translate actually that Chinese name has been changed twice the 最开始那个名字是印度药神你知道什么印度药神吗 [05:07.72]然后 [05:08.23]然后 [05:08.71]呢 [05:08.98]就改成了中国药神最后才变成的 [05:11.74]我不是药神所以如果是让你去翻的话 [05:19.45]呃how are you translate the word 药膳well it slope of a tricky one so kind of the direct translation is drug [05:28.82]Got but in English we say drug lord because god is like too high is too powerful lifting and lord is much more attain able like lots of people can be a lot of something if you got something kino OK [05:45.41]明白明白所以god 就是给人一种太高高在上 [05:50.51]太触不可及的感觉了 [05:52.76]但是呢 [05:53.33]这个word 就是感觉哦 [05:54.83]还可以接近一下的 [05:56.30]这种感觉 [05:57.11]所以呢 [05:57.62]这个要审啊 [05:58.37]应该翻译成drug lord 更加贴切一些啊 [06:02.42]但是说到这个药啊 [06:03.59]其实要有那么几个词 [06:05.06]我们有drug right 还有 [06:09.25]然后还有什么tablet whats the difference between well the drugs just covers every think that is something you can put into your body for [06:22.99]这就是一个统称like money like money Vs cash and coins basically yeah it just covers everything so if something can be put into the body of the drug and basically the difference between a pill and a tablet is that a pill is kind of a little little capsule that goes into your body and en opens releases the drug where the tablet is is just one you eat in just a normal kind of [06:54.85]Drug is very confusing and den all sites make it worse pill can mean both top on drugs so I let you explain on Chinese some sure that is a very confused everything off to set him a little confused as well so yeah [07:11.11]所以就把这个事儿推给我是吧 [07:13.12]其实呢就是这个用法比较窄的是这个tablet tablet 用法比较窄就是指那种圆圆的 [07:19.90]然后扁扁的 [07:20.89]那种药片 [07:21.85]我们就叫做tablet [07:23.38]但是呢 [07:23.95]Pil 就是只要玩 [07:25.63]所以其实很多时候不会去具体区分那种胶囊啊药片片啊要妥妥啊都可以叫做pose [07:32.76]非常好understanding okay so next to the drug stores pharmacy de these are beautiful words over sea but they have the same to me a place where you buy drugs medicines [07:50.12]卡啦卡啦 [07:52.46]不好意思各位最近在手机这件事情上面 [07:54.77]我真的是表现的非常的不专业 [07:57.05]Sorry [07:59.75]谢谢你阿 [08:01.58]我们刚away we we finished talk drugstore 和pharmacy 都是指这个药房就是药店 [08:13.28]嗯 [08:14.12]那 [08:14.60]其实我看到有外网上啊 [08:16.58]写说徐峥和宁浩return with a film together 就说他们一起合作的第五部电影 [08:25.28]So de former for hot its really tricky 呃 [08:30.83]前面的四部呢 [08:32.00]之前的四部啊 [08:32.87]就是疯狂的石头 [08:34.10]疯狂的赛车无人区和心花路放I highly recommend you wash them all 真的真的都很好看 [08:43.91]所以呢 [08:44.24]这是他们合作的第五部影片 [08:45.92]然后呢 [08:46.40]很多人都讲说 [08:47.18]看到这两个人的名字在一起啊 [08:48.65]那就一定得去捧场 [08:50.48]这种质量保障的感觉啊 [08:52.31]我们来大概聊一下这个故事能故事的内容without ruining it for you so that is a black comedy comedy m sorry na na Di spelling and and this is like that the French where I think black sometimes people say its no war movie I think just a sound fancy but you can also say black comedy comedy 怪不得发音听起来这么奇怪啊 [09:23.90]是来自就是一个外来词 [09:25.52]法国的词 [09:26.24]他读成奴啊 [09:27.77]Comedy 或者也可以叫做black comedy 就是黑色喜剧的意思 [09:31.85]也就是说its funny but also its likely to make you cry so was everyone reaching for to shoes when you saw a written for de T恤 [09:42.56]呃 [09:43.10]这个T恤 [09:43.67]呢 [09:43.85]就是纸巾的意思就是每个人都伸手要准备拿纸巾就是要哭脸的意思所以 [09:50.52]Before we did Dis po cast I thought I had to read of a article that you sent me about this film so I would be totally clear is about 对我给强哥发了一个链接 [10:01.56]这录节目还是得做点功课啊 [10:04.26]Okay so I know that thu I say his name [10:08.04]徐峥 [10:09.03]徐峥 [10:10.29]徐峥 [10:10.95]will play a drug dealer dealer is like person who sells thing that basically 就是卖药的卖药的so he will play a drug dealer in the movie and the movie is Lucy based on a true story of a Chinese leukemia patients leukemia 白血病人哦 [10:35.34]白血白白血病白血病人who smiled UN approved drugs from India To Get a force To Be priced medicine for himself and one thousand of people [10:48.44]嗯呃 [10:50.36]就是说这部电影呢 [10:51.62]它是由一个真实故事改编的 [10:54.08]虽然说并不是完全相同啊 [10:55.82]所以是说luce Li based on de true story 啊 [10:59.72]是大约大致的由一个真实故事改编的 [11:03.53]然后呢 [11:03.92]这个主演就徐峥演的这个人呢 [11:06.02]他本来是一个卖神油的呃 [11:09.05]大家应该都懂的吧 [11:10.10]卖卖印度神油的一个人 [11:12.05]然后呢 [11:12.41]因为一个机缘巧合就开始做上了这个呃 [11:15.50]走私阿偷渡这个叫格列宁的一款治疗白血病的这个药物 [11:22.70]Yeah I think it so definitely good thing that the film industry is like making movies with hot 对哎 [11:29.00]我看看的时候真的觉得非常的良心啊 [11:33.56]对 [11:34.58]其实呢 [11:35.27]前面我们介绍这个背景啊 [11:36.74]就是说真实故事改变就其实基本上相当于介绍了剧情了但是呢 [11:41.96]有一个小小的不同就是 [11:44.42]这个在电影当中啊 [11:45.89]徐峥扮演的这个人 [11:46.82]他本身是没有换这个慢粒白血病的 [11:49.82]但是呢 [11:50.36]真实故事 [11:51.50]就是那个徐峥的原型啊 [11:53.42]那个本人他是有患白血病的 [11:55.22]这个就是一个小小的不同 [11:56.75]好okay so can you give me a line you never de voice and everything everything let know [12:03.53]呃呃跟他解释一下这个line [12:07.10]它就是台词的意思就是强紫霞 [12:10.37]我说带折原生带折所有的一起有感情地朗读一下这个台词 [12:16.01]嗯 [12:16.46]不 [12:16.64]不 [12:16.94]不 [12:17.72]好的I show you a lie and you say yeah o OK [12:23.58]OK [12:25.10]So you want To Be a savior 哈no I dont wanna I wanna earn good money and needs work no ask for your Dis time agree but speaking of Oscars how do you think like the acting was in the movie was with a good actors who are let me explain that online faced OK [12:45.71]嗯 [12:46.01]就是就是一开始的时候呢 [12:50.84]这个印度那边的那个供货商啊 [12:53.45]他就问徐峥说 [12:54.56]他说 [12:54.86]你想要做一个CV 对不对c re 就是救世主的意思就是你想去就这些白血病人吗 [13:00.71]当时徐争说的是no I dont I want to earn good money [13:04.13]我只是想赚钱而已 [13:05.42]但是呢 [13:05.93]到了后面啊 [13:06.68]尤其是主要是因为另外一个算是主角的死吧 [13:10.25]也可能就是某种方面唤起了这个主角的良心啊 [13:14.57]所以呢之后他就开始可以说是没有赚钱的再卖 [13:18.38]再偷渡这个药 [13:19.86]嗯 [13:21.78]OK [13:23.34]所以呢说回来这个演员的表演啊 [13:26.52]I m actually thought it was really good [13:30.48]而且I am sorry I was really impressed by the leading role of leading role okay [13:38.37]这次真的是被徐峥圈了粉okay so what sin your opinion is the best way to complement and acting performance I m putting you under pressure yeah well I suppose if it makes you feel very emotional you can say the performance was staring yeah yeah exactly ex its OK 啊 [14:07.08]所以star 这个词呢 [14:08.13]就是搅拌的意思啊 [14:10.08]然后呢 [14:10.62]还有一个唤起的意思所以呢 [14:12.42]就是搅拌搅动了你内心的情绪 [14:15.12]所以就是如果说那个人演的非常的呃 [14:17.79]动情非常能够唤起你的情绪的话 [14:20.40]就可以用staring 这个词so for example she gave us during performance that brought car a to t us yeah she did [14:29.49]然后呢 [14:30.60]除了这个story [14:31.59]我们还可以讲powerful does can refer to 的emotions you feel yeah exactly like he gave a powerful performance as the soldier exactly okay so back to d actors and actress roses 呃 [14:48.78]就是这个 [14:50.01]我不是药神啊 [14:50.91]还有一些其他的演员 [14:52.65]我觉得这些配角啊 [14:54.66]虽然说戏份也挺重的 [14:55.80]但是配角他们的 [14:57.27]演技真的都非常非常棒 [14:59.55]但是我觉得SED [15:04.74]对 [15:05.19]就是一些a list actors [15:07.80]比如说王传君不知道对不对 [15:11.28]然后张宇就是演那个小黄毛的那个哎哟 [15:14.55]真的是他 [15:15.72]他 [15:16.08]死的时候真的好心痛 [15:17.64]张宇不认识 [15:18.30]对不对 [15:20.32]然后杨新明杨新明就是那个人演那个pastor 的那个人啊 [15:26.17]他经常讲的一句话就是god bless you 上 [15:31.00]愿主保佑你啊 [15:32.65]哎这句话是不是在打喷嚏的时候也可以讲Windows nice 或者就是嗯 [15:39.88]就是你可以直接讲YSU 就好了 [15:42.07]然后呢 [15:42.76]还有王艳辉 [15:44.56]我知道你不认识啊 [15:47.32]大家有没有看过那个烈日灼心烈日灼心 [15:50.41]最末尾的那个演罪犯的那个人啊 [15:52.42]也是他王艳辉当时烈日灼心出来之后就有人讲说 [15:56.50]最后那个罪犯其实是全剧演技最好的一个人 [15:59.62]然后呢 [16:00.25]周一围啊 [16:01.33]我非常喜欢的一个演员 [16:03.10]还有actress actress 谈着王佳佳 [16:06.91]我觉得每个人都演得非常的棒 [16:08.74]嗯嗯哦哦哦对对对我想介绍一个短语就是cast and crew yeah casting casting cruel people who make them movie on de [16:20.55]People all of the people [16:24.36]这是整个整个剧组的工作人员一起可以统称为cast and crew okay so I won one final note I think that does movie raises important questions and discussions such as why people with serious disease cannot afford expensive medicine do we think is To Blame and what can be done about it yeah it does sound like has a strong message To Give and I m looking forward to discuss it with you but next week dont support for me I will I will I dont be left now I think everyone in office already seen it [16:58.56]所以哈大家都看过了你没有看你就out 了OK [17:03.06]那我们今天的节目呢 [17:04.50]就聊到这里了哇 [17:05.61]今天节目好长啊 [17:08.76]17 分钟我的天哎呀我的天呐 [17:13.23]大家一定要到我们的微信公众号去获取笔记啊 [17:16.71]因为内容比较多 [17:18.21]同时呢 [17:19.02]杂英文除了陆志明 [17:20.36]免费的音频节目之外 [17:22.07]我们也有精心制作付费的课程 [17:24.47]帮助大家更加系统地提高英文 [17:26.66]大家可以到早安英文的微信公众号私信回复会员两个字就可以了解课程详情啦 [17:33.05]So I fun kara [17:36.02]我们下期见再见 [17:37.76]拜拜 


[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com
[00:03.99]大家好everybody welcome to an other morning English podcast my name is Jack 大家好
[00:10.77]今天这一期的早安英文car what are your plans for the weekend I have been decided yet probably just lounge around the house and what about you well I mostly excited for watching English and on saturday and exercise for Dis apart from I was planning on going to see
[00:33.84]how do you know that is well my Chinese friend mentioned it today actually he said that is really worth watch plus my we chat moments had just been 强哥现在好low Co 啊
[00:47.85]就每天刷wechat moments 来刷朋友圈好像呃you dont want to feel left out right yeah I dont feel left out I mean thats why I thought we could talk about this today so I could find out more as much as anything 好的
[01:04.32]圈里面就是发现很多人都都讲这是一部worth a watch 的片子就是非常值得一看的片子
[01:12.06]自己不想要的left out 不想要就是感觉跟不上潮流
[01:32.22]So car have you already seen this movie I have indeed okay good please dont give me any spoilers
[01:40.20]好的好的dont worry I want spoil er 是什么意思呢
[01:48.33]就是会讲spoiler alert
[01:53.80]就是last weekend last weekend I thought it was an show until like today tomorrow 吧
[02:02.74]明天friday 啊
[02:04.72]但是我看的是那个叫什么电影hollis 电影JMLTD 啊
[02:12.37]对对就是limited release 电影的意思
[02:16.33]我明白了so it has had its like pre mia 呃呃然后给大家解释一下
[02:24.97]刚刚讲了一个那个那个那个throw in my tiny limited release 就是点映吗
[02:33.94]我们叫做premiere premiere 但是呢
[02:36.82]呃会有一个difference between British and American accent or is so in British English we say premiere premiere in American English de se premiere premiere 嗯
[02:54.36]Wu so w w is de first of some think so you could have a debut album 啊
[03:02.91]就第一张专辑baby performance 啊
[03:11.34]但是他茨维那个T 呢
[03:12.90]是一个silent e 不发音的啊
[03:15.48]所以他读的比so I have seen the trailer for this movie yet but I m gonna watch it after Dis po cast so I get better idea of you know why I think with trailer 就是
[03:35.06]对对一看到pronounce 遇遇你可以啊
[03:46.49]The trailer looks 预告片看起来超赞的okay so Du name of this movie in English is dying to survive do you think this is better than a Chinese name actually I do think so
[04:09.11]I cried so hard 对我觉得失声痛哭的呃
[04:29.53]Dying to survive so you you literally dying because I want to survive so is a clever play on words 对对对所以这个就是非常非常的想要活下来
[04:41.74]大家知道这个戴鹤survive 有一种
[04:44.32]这个opposite 就是刚好相反的感觉
[04:52.09]嗯so I think its a tricky names to translate actually that Chinese name has been changed twice the 最开始那个名字是印度药神你知道什么印度药神吗
[05:19.45]呃how are you translate the word 药膳well it slope of a tricky one so kind of the direct translation is drug
[05:28.82]Got but in English we say drug lord because god is like too high is too powerful lifting and lord is much more attain able like lots of people can be a lot of something if you got something kino OK
[05:45.41]明白明白所以god 就是给人一种太高高在上
[05:53.33]这个word 就是感觉哦
[05:58.37]应该翻译成drug lord 更加贴切一些啊
[06:05.06]我们有drug right 还有
[06:09.25]然后还有什么tablet whats the difference between well the drugs just covers every think that is something you can put into your body for
[06:22.99]这就是一个统称like money like money Vs cash and coins basically yeah it just covers everything so if something can be put into the body of the drug and basically the difference between a pill and a tablet is that a pill is kind of a little little capsule that goes into your body and en opens releases the drug where the tablet is is just one you eat in just a normal kind of
[06:54.85]Drug is very confusing and den all sites make it worse pill can mean both top on drugs so I let you explain on Chinese some sure that is a very confused everything off to set him a little confused as well so yeah
[07:13.12]其实呢就是这个用法比较窄的是这个tablet tablet 用法比较窄就是指那种圆圆的
[07:23.95]Pil 就是只要玩
[07:32.76]非常好understanding okay so next to the drug stores pharmacy de these are beautiful words over sea but they have the same to me a place where you buy drugs medicines
[08:01.58]我们刚away we we finished talk drugstore 和pharmacy 都是指这个药房就是药店
[08:16.58]写说徐峥和宁浩return with a film together 就说他们一起合作的第五部电影
[08:25.28]So de former for hot its really tricky 呃
[08:34.10]疯狂的赛车无人区和心花路放I highly recommend you wash them all 真的真的都很好看
[08:52.31]我们来大概聊一下这个故事能故事的内容without ruining it for you so that is a black comedy comedy m sorry na na Di spelling and and this is like that the French where I think black sometimes people say its no war movie I think just a sound fancy but you can also say black comedy comedy 怪不得发音听起来这么奇怪啊
[09:27.77]Comedy 或者也可以叫做black comedy 就是黑色喜剧的意思
[09:31.85]也就是说its funny but also its likely to make you cry so was everyone reaching for to shoes when you saw a written for de T恤
[09:50.52]Before we did Dis po cast I thought I had to read of a article that you sent me about this film so I would be totally clear is about 对我给强哥发了一个链接
[10:04.26]Okay so I know that thu I say his name
[10:10.95]will play a drug dealer dealer is like person who sells thing that basically 就是卖药的卖药的so he will play a drug dealer in the movie and the movie is Lucy based on a true story of a Chinese leukemia patients leukemia 白血病人哦
[10:35.34]白血白白血病白血病人who smiled UN approved drugs from India To Get a force To Be priced medicine for himself and one thousand of people
[10:55.82]所以是说luce Li based on de true story 啊
[11:22.70]Yeah I think it so definitely good thing that the film industry is like making movies with hot 对哎
[11:56.75]好okay so can you give me a line you never de voice and everything everything let know
[12:17.72]好的I show you a lie and you say yeah o OK
[12:25.10]So you want To Be a savior 哈no I dont wanna I wanna earn good money and needs work no ask for your Dis time agree but speaking of Oscars how do you think like the acting was in the movie was with a good actors who are let me explain that online faced OK
[12:54.86]你想要做一个CV 对不对c re 就是救世主的意思就是你想去就这些白血病人吗
[13:00.71]当时徐争说的是no I dont I want to earn good money
[13:26.52]I m actually thought it was really good
[13:30.48]而且I am sorry I was really impressed by the leading role of leading role okay
[13:38.37]这次真的是被徐峥圈了粉okay so what sin your opinion is the best way to complement and acting performance I m putting you under pressure yeah well I suppose if it makes you feel very emotional you can say the performance was staring yeah yeah exactly ex its OK 啊
[14:07.08]所以star 这个词呢
[14:20.40]就可以用staring 这个词so for example she gave us during performance that brought car a to t us yeah she did
[14:31.59]我们还可以讲powerful does can refer to 的emotions you feel yeah exactly like he gave a powerful performance as the soldier exactly okay so back to d actors and actress roses 呃
[15:05.19]就是一些a list actors
[15:20.32]然后杨新明杨新明就是那个人演那个pastor 的那个人啊
[15:26.17]他经常讲的一句话就是god bless you 上
[15:32.65]哎这句话是不是在打喷嚏的时候也可以讲Windows nice 或者就是嗯
[15:39.88]就是你可以直接讲YSU 就好了
[16:03.10]还有actress actress 谈着王佳佳
[16:08.74]嗯嗯哦哦哦对对对我想介绍一个短语就是cast and crew yeah casting casting cruel people who make them movie on de
[16:20.55]People all of the people
[16:24.36]这是整个整个剧组的工作人员一起可以统称为cast and crew okay so I won one final note I think that does movie raises important questions and discussions such as why people with serious disease cannot afford expensive medicine do we think is To Blame and what can be done about it yeah it does sound like has a strong message To Give and I m looking forward to discuss it with you but next week dont support for me I will I will I dont be left now I think everyone in office already seen it
[16:58.56]所以哈大家都看过了你没有看你就out 了OK
[17:08.76]17 分钟我的天哎呀我的天呐
[17:33.05]So I fun kara

更新时间:2017-07-22 所属语言: 所属歌手:早安英文-每日外刊精读 所属专辑:早安英文






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