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[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com  [00:03.91]大家好 [00:04.69]欢迎大家收听今天的早安英文 [00:06.85]我是卡啦 [00:07.84]我跟back this is dealing with morning English [00:10.72]嗯 [00:11.05]欢迎大家收听今天的早安语 [00:12.70]为什么我好像好紧张的样子好最近呢 [00:15.46]呃就是掀起了一股叫做女子图鉴热啊 [00:18.67]就是有很多这样的剧 [00:19.93]这类剧啊 [00:20.50]都是讲那种小镇姑娘到了大城市的那种故事呃 [00:24.64]比如说前几年有一个东京女子图鉴 [00:26.98]然后今年又有北京女子图鉴和上海女子图鉴 [00:29.83]然后还有一个纽约女子图鉴它的名字叫做suite better have you watched a show I have not I dont watch a lot of TV I m sorry I will listen to pop cast cast 这位老人家呢 [00:43.12]这位欧美他不听音乐 [00:45.82]不看剧 [00:46.36]但是她很喜欢听播客很喜欢听节目呃 [00:49.63]就是最近这股女子图鉴热 [00:51.70]我就去看了一下跟了一波风 [00:54.37]然后发现呢 [00:55.51]北京和上海女子图鉴这两位女主角在里面都有讲英文 [01:00.10]然后呢 [01:00.43]我就拉着dylan 1起来看了一下我们今天呢 [01:03.19]就一起来看看他们 [01:04.36]的英文怎么样 [01:05.56]如果大家想要查看今天节目的文字版本笔记 [01:09.10]欢迎关注我们早安英文的微信公众号私信回复白领两个字就可以啦 [01:15.67]So today we are gonna be comparing three female white color workers actually still To Get you because one of the people is the same person both clips were gonna be comparing their English levels [01:29.63]We have to from Shanghai and one from Beijing yeah what the same person into To Clips yeah so Du first person from Shanghai also does a myth number to her English level is probably better from the girl from Beijing but because she is so shy that kind of leads us To Believe that her English is much pure or worse than than it actually is 对所以就是为什么告诉大家在讲英文的时候 [01:58.34]一定要be confident right exactly right 真的非常的重要 [02:02.87]Be confident and dont be afraid to make mistakes because that is the only way were gonna learn [02:07.16]因为大家有没有发现 [02:08.39]在上海女子图鉴里边儿这位女生呢 [02:10.40]她的英文其实好像并没有它看起来的那么差 [02:13.55]但是就是因为他不自信 [02:15.80]Have you made mistakes kara yeah I often make mistakes thats good and you how good care is English is so make mistakes what did I say to you yesterday my my eyes my ass [02:29.12]哦哟 [02:31.22]昨天就跟他讲把my eyes 我的眼睛讲成了my eyes [02:36.41]所以这种事情没关系的matter yeah does matter and it will be funny when you when you get corrected too and thats how you learn [02:47.62]OK [02:49.95]The last question [02:52.24]Tell me one reason to hire you right Dis moment [02:58.23]哎 [03:01.44]I min TV dedicated and loyal [03:07.86]I ask for one but you give me three reasons [03:12.15]More is always better [03:15.27]What about you [03:17.34]哎 [03:18.91]Dad kid to [03:21.03]So continuing on with the first girl from Shanghai and India first in the first interview she is in she kind of lower head and its hard to tell what she says without some Dis section so even though she omi says one sentence in English is very difficult to understand these a 啊 [03:41.37]She says the I dedicated to 也很敬业 [03:47.76]Should have said I am dedicated to or I am dedicated as well 臭 [03:53.88]对 [03:54.78]就是这个dedicated 前面加一个BB 动词 [03:58.47]嗯 [04:06.93]Welcome [04:09.09]嗯 [04:13.72]Hello Mr black man okay nice to meet so nice to meet you come here you can call me Laura Smith 罗海燕Luo Luo Luo 耶 [04:33.73]哦耶 [04:34.33]哦耶 [04:35.02]哦注 [04:39.03]And in the second interview with d Spanish gentleman we see that her her English has improved somewhat but because of d d character of the Spanish gentleman it seems like she is a little bit off put by him or even scared of payment someone 可能吧 [04:55.74]所以第二段呢 [04:56.73]就是还是同样一位 [04:58.50]这个女主啊 [04:59.58]他和同事们一起在接待一位外国客户 [05:03.09]那个男生好像是come from Spain Spain 西班牙来自西班牙呃 [05:09.15]但是我觉得他旁边那位女生啊 [05:10.86]就是that girl next to her and pink 那个穿粉色衣服的女生对对对那位女生听起来英文还挺好的所以从这位上海女主身上 [05:22.83]我们学到的 [05:23.37]东西就是一定要自信 [05:24.93]Be confident [05:26.27]雅 [05:29.48]And den you know does grand I extended performance when you have in duc ing and law and cream j ur is was only support have been there you know my heart got drunk [05:44.51]张靓颖张靓颖I know I know it s a she is a singer she the thing is she come from my hometown also you came to the same place [05:57.34]So probably have the same talent as she you know that thing is you are beautiful like there s absolutely beautiful your both beautiful and you probably boat singing pretty well you know so de same people from the same place have the same talent [06:14.38]Next to talk about that girl from Beijing her English is probably seems more profession than that girl from Shanghai but it probably isnt in the only reason why is because she seems more confident when she speaks English [06:29.71]但是she keeps repeating the word yeah exactly yeah so if your models want you speaking yeah what you speaking to a gentleman should repeat the words that she knows and she repeated very loud Li 对 [06:44.47]所以呃这位北京女主啊 [06:46.69]就是戚薇演的这个角色 [06:48.28]他其实因为听起来不太好 [06:49.63]就是你系去听的话 [06:50.59]不管是发音啊 [06:51.76]还是这个sentence structure 这种句子结构上面其实都不是很好 [06:56.08]但是呢 [06:56.65]他非常非非常非常的自信 [06:58.72]Yeah and when she speaking she has her mouth close she is in English we would say speaking through her teeth [07:07.18]So she was talking English which is a common problem with Chinese speakers [07:12.55]但是usually when you speak English you keep your yeah we like to move our miles often we move our miles a lot 对外open yeah 就是一般我们在讲英文的时候 [07:25.18]尤其是美式英文嘴巴会张得非常的开 [07:28.03]因为这个音发到位 [07:29.56]就需要做到这个份上 [07:31.21]所以大家一定要move your lips [07:35.60]Move your lips and your mouth a lot of teeth should really be touching and if you notice with the Beijing girl when she is finishing her conversation with the gentleman he says something about her hometown something to defect that all talents come from the same place and she kind of give him does look like what did you say 对这个地方呢 [07:59.60]就是这位这位男士和戚薇呢 [08:02.39]他们提到了张靓颖 [08:03.86]然后呢 [08:04.31]戚薇说 [08:04.76]哎张靓颖 [08:05.33]啊 [08:05.39]我和他是老乡 [08:06.71]然后呢 [08:07.25]这位男士讲的一句是一脸一脸啊 [08:11.15]他说的是a se people from the same place have de same challenge 就是来自同一个地方的人呢 [08:18.56]通常都有同样的天赋 [08:20.30]比如说你和他都很美 [08:21.80]比如说湖南人都爱吃辣椒 [08:23.81]对不对 [08:24.47]但是呢 [08:24.95]这个时候戚薇脸上就露出了一种what is he talking about OK were going to include todays podcast with a brief overview [08:35.84]目的呢 [08:36.11]就是要教大家以后说英文的时候 [08:38.18]要注意这些事情 [08:39.59]不管你的英文水平 [08:40.73]现在处在什么样的阿状况啊 [08:43.73]做到这些都会让你的英文seems better yeah to make your English seem better than actually is lay so Du first thing you dont want to learn or do is To Be confident yeah make eye contact and and have proper body language so does min sit up straight dont fill with your fingers or something on your desk 对大家有没有发现他们在讲话的时候经常会有一些gesture [09:11.78]然后一些body language [09:13.46]对 [09:13.79]就是要透过一些肢体语言 [09:15.77]然后去帮助表达自己的意思 [09:17.60]包括要有I contact 眼神交流and dont forget to move your mouth so if you have trouble with moving your mouse try putting two fingers in between your teeth and speaking that way until you get the habit of keeping your mouth open when you speak English yeah [09:35.88]嗯 [09:36.54]I can do that 好的好的 [09:39.69]所以这一点呢 [09:40.65]是dylan you want to stress that 对对 [09:43.86]对 [09:44.37]就是她 [09:44.76]真的非常想要强调的一点就是你在说英文的时候 [09:48.66]嘴巴一定要张大 [09:49.92]然后尽量不要让自己的上下齿碰到就是要把嘴巴张大来说话and last one is try to focus on what your saying before you say it and think of what your saying English so start to think in English when you talk to yourself in your head dont use Chinese think in English [10:08.16]嗯 [10:08.46]最后一点呢 [10:09.12]也是我们说要用英式思维来思考 [10:12.09]不要在脑子里面先形成一个中文句子 [10:14.40]再把它translate Chinese into English is not good think in English 尝试用英文去思考 [10:22.74]所以呢 [10:23.46]以上就是我们今天想要和大家分享的内容啦 [10:26.70]大家也可以去呃 [10:36.59]权力的游戏啊 [10:39.05]But we dont have [10:42.26]同时呢 [10:43.07]杂英文除了录制免费的音频节目之外 [10:46.10]我们也有精心制作付费的课程 [10:48.53]帮助大家更加系统地提高英文 [10:50.75]大家可以到早安英文的微信公众号私信回复会员两个字就可以了解课程详情啦 [10:57.17]那好吧 


[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com
[00:07.84]我跟back this is dealing with morning English
[00:29.83]然后还有一个纽约女子图鉴它的名字叫做suite better have you watched a show I have not I dont watch a lot of TV I m sorry I will listen to pop cast cast 这位老人家呢
[01:00.43]我就拉着dylan 1起来看了一下我们今天呢
[01:15.67]So today we are gonna be comparing three female white color workers actually still To Get you because one of the people is the same person both clips were gonna be comparing their English levels
[01:29.63]We have to from Shanghai and one from Beijing yeah what the same person into To Clips yeah so Du first person from Shanghai also does a myth number to her English level is probably better from the girl from Beijing but because she is so shy that kind of leads us To Believe that her English is much pure or worse than than it actually is 对所以就是为什么告诉大家在讲英文的时候
[01:58.34]一定要be confident right exactly right 真的非常的重要
[02:02.87]Be confident and dont be afraid to make mistakes because that is the only way were gonna learn
[02:15.80]Have you made mistakes kara yeah I often make mistakes thats good and you how good care is English is so make mistakes what did I say to you yesterday my my eyes my ass
[02:31.22]昨天就跟他讲把my eyes 我的眼睛讲成了my eyes
[02:36.41]所以这种事情没关系的matter yeah does matter and it will be funny when you when you get corrected too and thats how you learn
[02:49.95]The last question
[02:52.24]Tell me one reason to hire you right Dis moment
[03:01.44]I min TV dedicated and loyal
[03:07.86]I ask for one but you give me three reasons
[03:12.15]More is always better
[03:15.27]What about you
[03:18.91]Dad kid to
[03:21.03]So continuing on with the first girl from Shanghai and India first in the first interview she is in she kind of lower head and its hard to tell what she says without some Dis section so even though she omi says one sentence in English is very difficult to understand these a 啊
[03:41.37]She says the I dedicated to 也很敬业
[03:47.76]Should have said I am dedicated to or I am dedicated as well 臭
[03:54.78]就是这个dedicated 前面加一个BB 动词
[04:13.72]Hello Mr black man okay nice to meet so nice to meet you come here you can call me Laura Smith 罗海燕Luo Luo Luo 耶
[04:39.03]And in the second interview with d Spanish gentleman we see that her her English has improved somewhat but because of d d character of the Spanish gentleman it seems like she is a little bit off put by him or even scared of payment someone 可能吧
[05:03.09]那个男生好像是come from Spain Spain 西班牙来自西班牙呃
[05:10.86]就是that girl next to her and pink 那个穿粉色衣服的女生对对对那位女生听起来英文还挺好的所以从这位上海女主身上
[05:24.93]Be confident
[05:29.48]And den you know does grand I extended performance when you have in duc ing and law and cream j ur is was only support have been there you know my heart got drunk
[05:44.51]张靓颖张靓颖I know I know it s a she is a singer she the thing is she come from my hometown also you came to the same place
[05:57.34]So probably have the same talent as she you know that thing is you are beautiful like there s absolutely beautiful your both beautiful and you probably boat singing pretty well you know so de same people from the same place have the same talent
[06:14.38]Next to talk about that girl from Beijing her English is probably seems more profession than that girl from Shanghai but it probably isnt in the only reason why is because she seems more confident when she speaks English
[06:29.71]但是she keeps repeating the word yeah exactly yeah so if your models want you speaking yeah what you speaking to a gentleman should repeat the words that she knows and she repeated very loud Li 对
[06:51.76]还是这个sentence structure 这种句子结构上面其实都不是很好
[06:58.72]Yeah and when she speaking she has her mouth close she is in English we would say speaking through her teeth
[07:07.18]So she was talking English which is a common problem with Chinese speakers
[07:12.55]但是usually when you speak English you keep your yeah we like to move our miles often we move our miles a lot 对外open yeah 就是一般我们在讲英文的时候
[07:31.21]所以大家一定要move your lips
[07:35.60]Move your lips and your mouth a lot of teeth should really be touching and if you notice with the Beijing girl when she is finishing her conversation with the gentleman he says something about her hometown something to defect that all talents come from the same place and she kind of give him does look like what did you say 对这个地方呢
[08:11.15]他说的是a se people from the same place have de same challenge 就是来自同一个地方的人呢
[08:24.95]这个时候戚薇脸上就露出了一种what is he talking about OK were going to include todays podcast with a brief overview
[08:43.73]做到这些都会让你的英文seems better yeah to make your English seem better than actually is lay so Du first thing you dont want to learn or do is To Be confident yeah make eye contact and and have proper body language so does min sit up straight dont fill with your fingers or something on your desk 对大家有没有发现他们在讲话的时候经常会有一些gesture
[09:11.78]然后一些body language
[09:17.60]包括要有I contact 眼神交流and dont forget to move your mouth so if you have trouble with moving your mouse try putting two fingers in between your teeth and speaking that way until you get the habit of keeping your mouth open when you speak English yeah
[09:36.54]I can do that 好的好的
[09:40.65]是dylan you want to stress that 对对
[09:49.92]然后尽量不要让自己的上下齿碰到就是要把嘴巴张大来说话and last one is try to focus on what your saying before you say it and think of what your saying English so start to think in English when you talk to yourself in your head dont use Chinese think in English
[10:14.40]再把它translate Chinese into English is not good think in English 尝试用英文去思考
[10:39.05]But we dont have

更新时间:2017-07-22 所属语言: 所属歌手:早安英文-每日外刊精读 所属专辑:早安英文






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