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[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com  [00:04.05]大家好hello everybody [00:05.49]我是Jack 大家好hello everybody [00:08.46]我是sunny perfect perfect so Jack I have a question for you okay so do you like hot pot yes I do like sports so what does always always always finish my question [00:27.45]我刚刚问Jack 他吃火锅的时候最喜欢吃哪一道菜 [00:31.53]他说肉肉so so do you like beef or por cor goat go in sheep should be sheep 羊肉羊肉哦哦哦火锅中的那个羊肉应该是sheep goats so [00:52.89]但是好好吃特别好吃呵呵 [01:00.30]他说 [01:00.60]除了吃火锅的时候吃的那个呃 [01:02.85]肥羊卷之外 [01:03.87]他还吃过山羊goat 做的那种 [01:07.59]呃 [01:08.19]炖的火锅也非常的好吃 [01:10.11]特别好吃 [01:10.98]So whats the difference between sheep goats well when I was younger I think sheep was go it was boy but off a sleep thats not true is a different animal go is the one with the home they live on the mountain climb over the rocks and sheep is de flat fee one we are inside some sings [01:36.39]所以说sheep 和goat 是两种不一样的生物阿sir we call sheep 绵羊绵羊and we call goat 山羊山羊山羊是有那个big horn 是有脚的那种在山地中行走的羊应该是这样啊 [01:52.53]然后绵阳我们会cut their hair 时 [01:55.14]我们会嗯减掉它们的毛 [01:57.12]然后用来只东西啊 [02:00.73]Lamb and love is just baby sheep baby sheep [02:05.41]我们还常常说那个羊羔肉羔羊肉就是Lam Lam Lam b 这个B 是不发音的他 [02:13.63]呃 [02:13.99]那么这个Lan 就是baby sheep 就是小一点的杨usually there there 嗯 [02:20.26]There not one year I think they are kind of about the age I think about one very yung [02:31.66]然后我查了一下 [02:33.10]上网查一下 [02:33.94]通常我们说这个lamb 小羊羔呢 [02:36.19]是在一岁以下的我们会把它叫做小羊羔羔羊肉 [02:40.60]那么如果是一岁以上的zoom is there more than when you are old we call it 也是有点太用力了 [02:52.57]也是只羊肉是指一岁以上的稍微老一点的羊肉那么其实说到羊呢 [02:57.28]大家可能还会想到十二生肖 [03:00.39]So Jack do you know anything about Chinese zodiac 呃 [03:04.68]我知道我是鼠年的年是鼠年的right 哦对对 [03:14.34]嗯强说他是鼠年的老鼠的鼠the year of the rat [03:19.53]那么如果你想要表达羊年应该怎么说呢 [03:22.83]How to say 羊年sheep sheep but why is it not the year of the goat a good question I saw it wants To Go to parties no party is actually [03:36.36]Why why because sheep taste good the more has some positive meanings right love ship more the fluffy and a q I guess yeah I mean looking for [03:54.87]嗯 [03:55.11]其实大家如果要说羊年的话应该要说the year of the sheep [03:59.76]因为虽然在汉语中我们说杨说我们对羊的概念都是差不多的说ship 或者是goat 山羊或者绵羊对我来说感觉都很像 [04:08.58]但是在英文中 [04:09.84]其实不是这样的sheep 绵羊这个单词通常是比较正面的含义 [04:14.01]而goat 呃 [04:15.45]山羊通常是比较贬义的感觉 [04:18.27]所以说如果大家想要表达羊年的话尽量还是多用这个d year of the sheep [04:23.40]当然如果你要说的year of the goat 其实也是没有问题的啦 [04:27.06]I think deer the dragon is the best one is not [04:30.28]No no the year of the rooster rooster rooster because I was born in the year of the rooster so yes [04:46.45]当然了 [04:47.50]对不起啊 [04:49.00]不好意思啊 [04:50.74]强仔说他觉得农好难啊 [04:53.65]龙年是最好的 [04:55.75]其实我觉得不是哦 [04:56.95]我觉得生肖最好是几because I was born in the year of the rooster 不是d year of the chicken but the year of the rooster right [05:05.44]另外 [05:05.95]我们为大家准备了免费的神秘学习大礼包 [05:09.94]请微信搜索关注 [05:11.65]早安英文回复福利两个字就可以看到啦 [05:16.24]Okay said thursday would be taking a look at some sheep related expressions and 嗯 [05:21.82]说了这么多 [05:22.42]大家应该都知道今天我们就来聊一聊关于羊的一些表达和俚语so what our first one sheep sheep sheep ish she EPS head so does is when you look embarrassed or your little bit uncomfortable because of something embarrassing or something bad you have done 也好尴尬不不好意思呢 [05:52.42]Like you feel something wrong 这个单词是表示 [05:59.23]当你做一些比较蠢或者是做错一些事情的时候 [06:03.31]你会觉得有一些不舒服 [06:05.41]有点 [06:05.86]局促不安 [06:06.64]有点困窘的感觉 [06:08.53]Suggest you give us an example of course he looked sheep ish Li at his parents when he found out what he had done [06:17.47]当他的爸爸妈妈发现她做了事情之后呢 [06:20.29]他就不好意思非常困窘的看着他的爸爸妈妈 [06:24.04]嗯 [06:24.40]Were I can say that Jack looked sheep ish for he ate some nice sandwich [06:31.41]By accident by accident has To Be an accident accident I would go on purpose for the sheep ish [06:43.26]嗯 [06:43.62]我刚刚说这个例句是阿Jack 看上去非常的不好意思 [06:48.48]因为他他吃了我的三明治 [06:50.79]然后Jack 说是by accident it has To Be by accident 就说这个事情一定是你是不小心做错了你才可以用这个shape ish okay so next stop we have like sheep like sheep 像羊一样so does is when when people are behaving like sheep they do not think independent Li day just follow what everyone else does or what somebody tells them to do 嗯 [07:17.55]其实这个like sheep 就是表示 [07:19.89]人们没有主见 [07:21.21]盲从 [07:22.08]就是人云亦云的感觉 [07:24.12]So can I say that boyfriends are led around a shopping mall like sheep [07:32.85]嗯 [07:33.15]我刚刚说的是那些男朋友陪女朋友逛街的时候 [07:36.72]在那个商场里面就跟sheep 一样被我们牵着到处走 [07:41.10]这就是我们所说的like sheep 表示 [07:43.29]没有主见阿盲从的意思 [07:46.14]Okay so next we have to make sheep size somebody does is To Give somebody and during loving look is in when you totally [07:57.04]In love with somebody I your staring at them a sheep look the grass [08:02.02]第三个是make make sheep size at someone 就是说充满爱意的看着某人so can you give us an example sentence yes so it would be strange but he has been giving mea sheep size all morning all morning okay so Du next one were gonna take a look at is a wolf in sheep si clothing 披着羊皮的狼 [08:35.66]披着羊皮的狼 [08:37.94]披着披着羊皮披着羊皮披着单 [08:43.55]披着羊皮的狼的狼喔 [08:49.13]一羊皮okay so does one means a person or thing that appears harness but actually very dangerous were bad so I dont trust Jack wolf skin ships clothing will try to steal your sandwich [09:14.99]不要相信Jack [09:15.77]他就是一条披着羊皮狼 [09:43.94]This is when you say you might as well come in a bad sense small offense because the punishment will be the same the same treatment the bad crime or small small crime so in Chinese you can explain in Chinese so in Chinese we can say 一不做二不休 [10:07.88]一不做二不休 [10:09.14]就是反正最后的结果都是这样 [10:11.18]反正你已经 [10:12.32]做什么都是这个结果了 [10:13.64]就干脆 [10:15.30]想怎么想怎么干就怎么干 [10:16.80]一不做二不休的意思 [10:18.24]So so for example I already blue most of my savings oh what an other one hundred bucks might as well be Han ged for a sheep as a lamb [10:28.53]嗯 [10:29.04]我已经失去了我大部分的存款了所以说这10 0块钱又算什么呢 [10:34.83]干脆一不做二不休家暴还能挣yes so does is just way saying you know you must do something the whole way rather than doing a little bit [10:44.16]嗯 [10:44.40]就是说干脆直截了当把这件事情做到底还嗯 [10:48.27]就是不要做一个开头 [10:49.68]那种感觉okay so exceptions would be shall we rope To Big bank or small banks and so I can say my name is will behind for sheep as a lamb [11:01.98]反正都是要抢干脆强大的big bank exactly okay so moving on from sheep [11:17.17]Dont play yeah actual place [11:23.53]你知道吗 [11:28.21]So does when you are just being stupid or silly on purpose to annoy somebody around yeah basically you just foo Ling around your you just knowing somebody basically yeah so Chinese students often acts To Go 对吧 [11:49.00]这个act were played a goat [11:51.97]就是说你干蠢事就是瞎胡闹的那种感觉就是那种food around 有种这样的意思在里面 [11:58.81]呃 [11:59.20]So we can see that stopped acting de goat were or send you out and warning you 不要再胡闹了 [12:05.77]如果你再这样我就把你送出去 [12:07.36]我要警告你哦 [12:08.41]我经常对我学生说这句话OK so Du next one would take a look at it gets somebody goat [12:16.01]Get somebody s go yeah about some kind of like to annoy somebody very much I think maybe goto considered an oi ly I think all of these expressions about about knowing people so annoyed me very much okay right somebody just like a really nice my god my god 嗯 [12:48.62]这个get some bodies goat 就是说惹怒某人激怒某人的意思 [12:54.23]你可以说啊 [12:55.85]It really gets my goat when people smoke in non smoking areas [13:00.68]人们在那种禁烟区抽烟 [13:02.87]真的是非常让我生气这种感觉或者你可以直接比如说hey dont get my goat [13:07.97]不要让我生气了so what does we got for you say when it comes to sheep goats but remember that [13:15.88]Between them when its correct use them so dont say acting she playing sheep have similar appearance but they have completely different meanings in English name sorry [13:33.97]嗯 [13:34.33]这一期关于sheep 和goat 的一些表达 [13:37.03]我们就聊到这儿啦 [13:38.11]如果你想获取本期节目的完整音频和笔记请关注微信公众号 [13:43.12]早安英文回复杨却有更多有意思的英语干货等着你 [13:48.10]当然了 [13:48.55]如果你 [13:49.30]对这期的节目感到非常的有意思 [13:50.95]或者你也是属羊的 [13:52.60]欢迎大家转发回复本期的节目 [13:55.90]如果你想更加系统的学习英文 [13:58.60]欢迎加入我们的会员课程了解详情请微信搜索关注 [14:03.58]早安英文回复会员两个字就可以了 [14:07.39]All right thats what we have for today and thank you guys for listening thanks thanks in the ways I have been Jack scenic some guys have a nice day [14:15.66]拜拜 [14:16.23]拜拜 [14:22.48]我只是牙 


[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com
[00:04.05]大家好hello everybody
[00:05.49]我是Jack 大家好hello everybody
[00:08.46]我是sunny perfect perfect so Jack I have a question for you okay so do you like hot pot yes I do like sports so what does always always always finish my question
[00:27.45]我刚刚问Jack 他吃火锅的时候最喜欢吃哪一道菜
[00:31.53]他说肉肉so so do you like beef or por cor goat go in sheep should be sheep 羊肉羊肉哦哦哦火锅中的那个羊肉应该是sheep goats so
[01:03.87]他还吃过山羊goat 做的那种
[01:10.98]So whats the difference between sheep goats well when I was younger I think sheep was go it was boy but off a sleep thats not true is a different animal go is the one with the home they live on the mountain climb over the rocks and sheep is de flat fee one we are inside some sings
[01:36.39]所以说sheep 和goat 是两种不一样的生物阿sir we call sheep 绵羊绵羊and we call goat 山羊山羊山羊是有那个big horn 是有脚的那种在山地中行走的羊应该是这样啊
[01:52.53]然后绵阳我们会cut their hair 时
[02:00.73]Lamb and love is just baby sheep baby sheep
[02:05.41]我们还常常说那个羊羔肉羔羊肉就是Lam Lam Lam b 这个B 是不发音的他
[02:13.99]那么这个Lan 就是baby sheep 就是小一点的杨usually there there 嗯
[02:20.26]There not one year I think they are kind of about the age I think about one very yung
[02:33.94]通常我们说这个lamb 小羊羔呢
[02:40.60]那么如果是一岁以上的zoom is there more than when you are old we call it 也是有点太用力了
[03:00.39]So Jack do you know anything about Chinese zodiac 呃
[03:04.68]我知道我是鼠年的年是鼠年的right 哦对对
[03:14.34]嗯强说他是鼠年的老鼠的鼠the year of the rat
[03:22.83]How to say 羊年sheep sheep but why is it not the year of the goat a good question I saw it wants To Go to parties no party is actually
[03:36.36]Why why because sheep taste good the more has some positive meanings right love ship more the fluffy and a q I guess yeah I mean looking for
[03:55.11]其实大家如果要说羊年的话应该要说the year of the sheep
[03:59.76]因为虽然在汉语中我们说杨说我们对羊的概念都是差不多的说ship 或者是goat 山羊或者绵羊对我来说感觉都很像
[04:09.84]其实不是这样的sheep 绵羊这个单词通常是比较正面的含义
[04:14.01]而goat 呃
[04:18.27]所以说如果大家想要表达羊年的话尽量还是多用这个d year of the sheep
[04:23.40]当然如果你要说的year of the goat 其实也是没有问题的啦
[04:27.06]I think deer the dragon is the best one is not
[04:30.28]No no the year of the rooster rooster rooster because I was born in the year of the rooster so yes
[04:56.95]我觉得生肖最好是几because I was born in the year of the rooster 不是d year of the chicken but the year of the rooster right
[05:16.24]Okay said thursday would be taking a look at some sheep related expressions and 嗯
[05:22.42]大家应该都知道今天我们就来聊一聊关于羊的一些表达和俚语so what our first one sheep sheep sheep ish she EPS head so does is when you look embarrassed or your little bit uncomfortable because of something embarrassing or something bad you have done 也好尴尬不不好意思呢
[05:52.42]Like you feel something wrong 这个单词是表示
[06:08.53]Suggest you give us an example of course he looked sheep ish Li at his parents when he found out what he had done
[06:24.40]Were I can say that Jack looked sheep ish for he ate some nice sandwich
[06:31.41]By accident by accident has To Be an accident accident I would go on purpose for the sheep ish
[06:43.62]我刚刚说这个例句是阿Jack 看上去非常的不好意思
[06:50.79]然后Jack 说是by accident it has To Be by accident 就说这个事情一定是你是不小心做错了你才可以用这个shape ish okay so next stop we have like sheep like sheep 像羊一样so does is when when people are behaving like sheep they do not think independent Li day just follow what everyone else does or what somebody tells them to do 嗯
[07:17.55]其实这个like sheep 就是表示
[07:24.12]So can I say that boyfriends are led around a shopping mall like sheep
[07:36.72]在那个商场里面就跟sheep 一样被我们牵着到处走
[07:41.10]这就是我们所说的like sheep 表示
[07:46.14]Okay so next we have to make sheep size somebody does is To Give somebody and during loving look is in when you totally
[07:57.04]In love with somebody I your staring at them a sheep look the grass
[08:02.02]第三个是make make sheep size at someone 就是说充满爱意的看着某人so can you give us an example sentence yes so it would be strange but he has been giving mea sheep size all morning all morning okay so Du next one were gonna take a look at is a wolf in sheep si clothing 披着羊皮的狼
[08:49.13]一羊皮okay so does one means a person or thing that appears harness but actually very dangerous were bad so I dont trust Jack wolf skin ships clothing will try to steal your sandwich
[09:43.94]This is when you say you might as well come in a bad sense small offense because the punishment will be the same the same treatment the bad crime or small small crime so in Chinese you can explain in Chinese so in Chinese we can say 一不做二不休
[10:18.24]So so for example I already blue most of my savings oh what an other one hundred bucks might as well be Han ged for a sheep as a lamb
[10:29.04]我已经失去了我大部分的存款了所以说这10 0块钱又算什么呢
[10:34.83]干脆一不做二不休家暴还能挣yes so does is just way saying you know you must do something the whole way rather than doing a little bit
[10:49.68]那种感觉okay so exceptions would be shall we rope To Big bank or small banks and so I can say my name is will behind for sheep as a lamb
[11:01.98]反正都是要抢干脆强大的big bank exactly okay so moving on from sheep
[11:17.17]Dont play yeah actual place
[11:28.21]So does when you are just being stupid or silly on purpose to annoy somebody around yeah basically you just foo Ling around your you just knowing somebody basically yeah so Chinese students often acts To Go 对吧
[11:49.00]这个act were played a goat
[11:51.97]就是说你干蠢事就是瞎胡闹的那种感觉就是那种food around 有种这样的意思在里面
[11:59.20]So we can see that stopped acting de goat were or send you out and warning you 不要再胡闹了
[12:08.41]我经常对我学生说这句话OK so Du next one would take a look at it gets somebody goat
[12:16.01]Get somebody s go yeah about some kind of like to annoy somebody very much I think maybe goto considered an oi ly I think all of these expressions about about knowing people so annoyed me very much okay right somebody just like a really nice my god my god 嗯
[12:48.62]这个get some bodies goat 就是说惹怒某人激怒某人的意思
[12:55.85]It really gets my goat when people smoke in non smoking areas
[13:02.87]真的是非常让我生气这种感觉或者你可以直接比如说hey dont get my goat
[13:07.97]不要让我生气了so what does we got for you say when it comes to sheep goats but remember that
[13:15.88]Between them when its correct use them so dont say acting she playing sheep have similar appearance but they have completely different meanings in English name sorry
[13:34.33]这一期关于sheep 和goat 的一些表达
[14:07.39]All right thats what we have for today and thank you guys for listening thanks thanks in the ways I have been Jack scenic some guys have a nice day

更新时间:2017-07-22 所属语言: 所属歌手:早安英文-每日外刊精读 所属专辑:早安英文






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