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当前位置:首页 >> 歪果Wiggle电台 >> 歪果Wiggle电台《成为简奥斯汀——离开你,我成为了自己》[MP3_LRC]
[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com  [00:11.80]嗯 [00:15.61]无人为孤岛一影一世界 [00:18.58]V go cinema 马上开始 [00:23.70]嗯 [00:36.66]无人是孤岛一影一世界 [00:38.52]大家好 [00:39.00]这里是微购FM 孤单电影院 [00:41.07]我是你们的MC Jack [00:42.96]相信大家都听说过英国文学家简奥斯丁的主要作品呢 [00:47.79]有傲慢与偏见 [00:49.29]理智与情感等及奥斯汀的作品啊 [00:52.59]遣词用句都不是很复杂 [00:54.90]没有那么多重峦叠嶂似的比喻 [00:57.30]但每句话都是那么的轻巧暗含在句子里面的层层情感铺陈的错列有致 [01:03.60]聪明人都能够举重若轻 [01:05.79]无论是爱情还是理智是家庭还是写作 [01:09.69]这也是简奥斯汀一生的智慧 [01:12.54]我们今天要介绍的电影成为简奥斯汀是根据简奥斯汀的一生创作和改编的 [01:18.72]在最开始咱们一起来听一听电影的主题曲sometimes when we touch [01:25.53]的artist is too much and I have to class my eggs and high I wanna hold ur ged a Cho b ball breakdown and cry I wanna hold you tell the fear in me sub CS [01:57.71]Manson and strategy leads me back den without my pride to d m security some ness or vive m Justin other ry stopped rap tu ID Mei tu ru a hasson prize fighter trapped with in my u [02:31.52]And sometimes when the artist is to Matt and I had to close my eyes and high [02:47.04]I wanna hold them lined a Chen we ba break down and play I wanna hold you to fear me eyes at times I liked To Break you drive to your knees a time to ly chee breakthrough and hold you end Les Li [03:21.45]At times I understand you and I know Howard you dry I watched all of calm and you pass you bi at times I think would drive does the surgeon for a friend or brother or older sister the final passion lies again [03:53.44]And and sometimes swim with the artist is to match and I have to close my eye [04:11.06]I wanna hold to that day the wee ball breakdown and cry I wanna hold you talk a fair in me sub sets [04:36.14]在18 世纪的英国社会 [04:37.88]为了爱情而结婚是一个愚蠢的游戏金钱决定了整个等级分明世界的运转奥斯汀夫妇是希望为Jane 挑选一个富裕且有远大前程的丈夫 [04:50.86]卫斯理先生就是最理想的选择 [04:53.62]当地贵族声名显赫 [04:55.90]而且非常富有 [04:57.61]虽然他们千方百计要促成此事 [05:00.07]但还是被剪直截了当的拒绝了他先是拒绝了父母安排的婚姻 [05:05.80]他不爱卫斯理先生认为他刻板无趣也无法原谅他的姨母对婚姻所保持的傲慢观点 [05:14.11]Jane 已心意已决精神上的**自主和桀骜不逊 [05:18.97]再加上年轻人的傲慢与偏见 [05:21.58]他决定啊 [05:22.42]要为爱而婚 [05:24.48]后来Jane 爱上了Tom 先生 [05:27.21]而他们的恋情又如何发展呢 [05:29.70]一首音乐之后 [05:30.81]告诉你答案一首将心演唱的那个简奥斯汀 [05:35.94]遥远的国股 [05:41.69]所以我不能停止飞翔 [05:49.68]想着na 闪烁在眼眸深处的渴望 [05:56.61]所以虽然不能和你相伴相随 [06:03.69]可是爱是为了能让我们展开双眼去追寻生活本来就该拥有的欢乐 [06:19.35]做一个人的旅途 [06:23.31]我也不会忘记微笑和欢喜啊 [06:51.45]也许啊 [07:15.31]心里 [07:18.15]总有个声音 [07:23.37]吴京 [07:26.24]得提醒自己 [07:28.94]嗯 [07:32.14]要擦干最腾空的眼泪 [07:39.84]才可以看清楚更加灿烂的幸福 [07:47.43]所以我才把视线转向了星空 [07:53.88]因为就算没有你我也不能迷失方向 [08:01.59]所以我才会一直注视着远方 [08:09.48]并且相信我一定能够实现我的理想 [08:17.40]所以我才又白交还给了失衡 [08:25.17]让他再孤单的夜带领我走出以往 [08:33.06]所以我也要让爱开放在我的天上 [08:41.01]用na ci 和聚聚 [08:44.94]唤醒人们心中最初的梦想啊 [08:56.80]嗯啊 [09:04.80]啊 [09:10.84]Jane 和Tom 用现在的话来说呀 [09:13.06]就是不打不相识 [09:15.07]一开始呢 [09:15.73]他们谁也看不惯谁坚决地从伦敦来到乡下的ta 目中无人 [09:20.74]而Tom 呢 [09:21.49]又觉得这位乡间小姐过于的孤傲 [09:24.73]他俩愤怒的相见 [09:26.23]却一次次的偶然相遇 [09:28.93]他们在图书馆的遇见 [09:30.43]Tom 给Jane 提出了写作的建议 [09:33.61]他们终于在舞会上优雅地旋转眼波流转 [09:38.05]深情款款 [09:39.73]他们在寒冷的屋外温柔的接吻一切不可思议 [09:44.11]又顺着感情的脉络自然前行画面一通暖色简直温暖到心底里去英国的小镇风情 [09:52.54]美丽的丛林景色蔚蓝的大海 [09:55.75]苍蓝的天空浅白的沙滩 [09:58.48]如果这是一段能够完美的爱情 [10:01.24]该有多好就像他笔下一直书写的 [10:05.16]一首邓紫棋的喜欢你也恰恰能表现这份甜蜜的爱恋来听听吧 [10:11.70]修心美牙与卓琳 [10:21.27]然后多饮用坏消息萌发沾着没啊 [10:38.12]哪里生命 [10:40.28]我曾经投冲动与你踏上na 永济有雨 [10:50.06]你只有无尽寂寞重生 [10:54.32]你是谁 [10:57.98]黑风累啊 [11:05.45]来演云啊 [11:13.49]然后我拥抱挽手薰风暖着啊 [11:37.48]未满 [11:38.23]你追去啊啊哇哦 [11:49.69]希望未来的ta [12:05.80]嘿 [12:08.89]两三容颜美眼啊 [12:21.22]那么多与熊 [12:24.28]我早晨啊 [12:30.46]累啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 [13:09.55]深深的记忆着Jane 私奔的早晨走出家门四下的寂静 [13:14.62]偶尔一两声鸡啼音乐舒缓面孔暗淡衬托着内心如路 [13:21.10]抬头看到了路口 [13:22.36]等待着汤姆忽然莞尔一笑奔向自以为是的幸福 [13:28.60]没有为了爱情抛弃一切就没有年轻过 [13:32.56]理智与情感本来就是矛盾的事实 [13:36.01]当他认为那是他的真爱时 [13:37.81]他选择奔向幸福 [13:39.76]为了Tom 他放弃了家庭地位 [13:42.94]金钱 [13:44.14]当他投毒Tom 的家书的时候意识到Tom 的家庭责任和私奔代价时 [13:49.75]他毅然回头 [13:51.58]因为那是一个注定的不幸 [13:54.37]对Tom 对她她宁愿孤寂一生怀念一生做一个老处女不选择和Tom 一生庸碌毁掉她的美好前程 [14:05.26]她在命运面前 [14:06.14]低头了 [14:07.28]不完全是为了自己 [14:09.20]他就没有在命运面前低头 [14:11.54]他可以放弃爱情 [14:13.22]但唯一不肯放弃的是他一手分地some nights 给你带来浓浓的英国风情歌曲之后一小段广告后 [14:22.79]我们接着再聊 [14:25.56]I found model in my bed tonight stops my bones my rents while while were h ur ia 嗯 [14:52.97]明天送新风wash my hands and after this is my mom that means no let the stars stars 骚骚啊 [15:48.47]我爱你breaking from my sister and calm she call a man looking to my nephew the eyes may you would believe the most amazing day day can come from [16:19.14]Some terrible 啊啊啊 [16:29.41]啊啊啊啊啊 [16:47.24]哦哦啊 [16:56.34]Yeah [17:06.54]嗯嗯 [17:12.46]嗯 [17:19.87]啊 [17:37.95]Wenda days are cold and the cards or fold and the saints we see are made of gold when your dreams are all feeling won t have locked the worst overall blood rooms there our hearts and I went out for you but with the beast inside as nowhere we can have no matter where we breed we still are made of greed this is marking them com Miss is marking them la 了 [18:26.73]它是什么地位 [18:29.31]他的密探 [18:39.06]Dv ark ins Collins Les over when the lights fade out of the seniors crossed the your green mask treatment called mea already Miss you Li [19:05.41]Lay down his soul for you dont hang true no matter what we breed we still are made agreed this is making them in this is marking 灯泡 [19:28.96]昨天付了他一米X 1 米X in X TV 他de se is what you Mei ga c tu Fei 的错误的难受 [19:55.39]把你的q go your eyes a Xiao surprise upon us a better life [20:59.35]嗯嗯嗯 [21:01.66]啊 [21:08.31]I see these lights like swinging vine swing in my heart a cos a line in my face is flashing signs seek it out and the shelf I know but I m not that Ye younger but I m not that old I dont think well 的手里啊 [21:27.33]刘湘的手来痛不荣心啊 [21:35.34]要上收容dub wrap the la la la everything that kills me makes me feel the love and the high and more counting dollars will be [22:06.93]谁爸爸分手1 ni c na c lo [22:27.76]Love and I feel it burn down does with every turn hope is a four letter word may Co watch 苁蓉不让的啦 [22:55.33]Everything that downs me makes me e ke and said no more counting dollars will become stars or 的隋唐 [23:30.73]Stars [23:33.37]噢噢take up less than watching or in less time watching everything that kills 咪makes me feel [23:59.95]自己一颗东西好more coming 对着谁 [24:43.27]The next time [24:50.54]啊啊啊 [25:12.38]Len we go lo memory have been searching for an answer always just that reach lo lo SAR baby 的事情this is my enemy Li 问你之南ly are you my bad sample any all the world dance a Du mim I amo res of you the back together double 幸福妮你这照片 [26:01.55]In sy de Le gates from an ni 做 [26:14.99]哪怕眯谁对他好谁对他失去了吗 [26:28.82]亲 [26:31.28]Los si mp [26:34.80]Song pain rather bein bed ly that you Mei bang bang ni ao dian 发remy ma r bei ni ni ni c u q in my eyes y IRA 啷啷啷啷啷啦 [27:26.13]想办法让每只到老 [27:32.94]哎 [27:33.39]郁闷 [27:34.50]啊 [27:46.49]嗯 [27:51.45]无人为孤岛一影一世界 [27:54.45]V go cinema 马上开始 [28:11.52]广州欢迎回来呢 [28:13.20]说到曾经被眷深爱的Tom [28:15.36]他是穿着大城市里时髦的天鹅绒礼服顶着青年才俊的美名啊 [28:20.22]故作矜持的公子哥儿 [28:21.87]适逢其会地来到了汉普郡的乡下俘获了剪的春心 [28:26.49]但如果见真的跟他私奔而去结果不是鸡飞蛋打 [28:30.84]就是两个人颓唐地度过一生 [28:33.66]没有傲慢与偏见成为经典供我们唏嘘 [28:36.93]或许Tom 只是见怀春时一个遥远的梦 [28:40.86]但从这段梦里见的文学观也深化了他不再认为文学就应该完全执着于生活 [28:47.91]文学也应该是一个梦 [28:49.71]一个美好的梦来源于生活高于生活 [28:54.00]她的傲慢与偏见 [28:55.56]他笔下的人物 [28:56.73]在经历磨难之后会得到他们想要的故事的开头很糟 [29:02.13]后来啊 [29:02.79]更糟了 [29:03.90]结局 [29:04.50]他们都得到了幸福 [29:06.12]幸福的婚姻和很有钱的男人一起来听一首张靓颖的dream it possible [29:13.83]嗯嗯 [30:28.54]啊 [30:35.95]And a bottom to de top was about a wife I say never quit never stopped the risk about Les around the bottom to top respect while brushing quit and never stop its not until you fall ure 喽 [30:57.28]喂牛追上take a shot chase the sun find a beautiful or in turning test dream it possible [31:25.14]所以我的possible 


[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com
[00:18.58]V go cinema 马上开始
[00:39.00]这里是微购FM 孤单电影院
[00:41.07]我是你们的MC Jack
[01:18.72]在最开始咱们一起来听一听电影的主题曲sometimes when we touch
[01:25.53]的artist is too much and I have to class my eggs and high I wanna hold ur ged a Cho b ball breakdown and cry I wanna hold you tell the fear in me sub CS
[01:57.71]Manson and strategy leads me back den without my pride to d m security some ness or vive m Justin other ry stopped rap tu ID Mei tu ru a hasson prize fighter trapped with in my u
[02:31.52]And sometimes when the artist is to Matt and I had to close my eyes and high
[02:47.04]I wanna hold them lined a Chen we ba break down and play I wanna hold you to fear me eyes at times I liked To Break you drive to your knees a time to ly chee breakthrough and hold you end Les Li
[03:21.45]At times I understand you and I know Howard you dry I watched all of calm and you pass you bi at times I think would drive does the surgeon for a friend or brother or older sister the final passion lies again
[03:53.44]And and sometimes swim with the artist is to match and I have to close my eye
[04:11.06]I wanna hold to that day the wee ball breakdown and cry I wanna hold you talk a fair in me sub sets
[04:36.14]在18 世纪的英国社会
[04:37.88]为了爱情而结婚是一个愚蠢的游戏金钱决定了整个等级分明世界的运转奥斯汀夫妇是希望为Jane 挑选一个富裕且有远大前程的丈夫
[05:14.11]Jane 已心意已决精神上的**自主和桀骜不逊
[05:24.48]后来Jane 爱上了Tom 先生
[05:49.68]想着na 闪烁在眼眸深处的渴望
[08:41.01]用na ci 和聚聚
[09:10.84]Jane 和Tom 用现在的话来说呀
[09:15.73]他们谁也看不惯谁坚决地从伦敦来到乡下的ta 目中无人
[09:20.74]而Tom 呢
[09:30.43]Tom 给Jane 提出了写作的建议
[10:40.28]我曾经投冲动与你踏上na 永济有雨
[13:09.55]深深的记忆着Jane 私奔的早晨走出家门四下的寂静
[13:39.76]为了Tom 他放弃了家庭地位
[13:44.14]当他投毒Tom 的家书的时候意识到Tom 的家庭责任和私奔代价时
[13:54.37]对Tom 对她她宁愿孤寂一生怀念一生做一个老处女不选择和Tom 一生庸碌毁掉她的美好前程
[14:13.22]但唯一不肯放弃的是他一手分地some nights 给你带来浓浓的英国风情歌曲之后一小段广告后
[14:25.56]I found model in my bed tonight stops my bones my rents while while were h ur ia 嗯
[14:52.97]明天送新风wash my hands and after this is my mom that means no let the stars stars 骚骚啊
[15:48.47]我爱你breaking from my sister and calm she call a man looking to my nephew the eyes may you would believe the most amazing day day can come from
[16:19.14]Some terrible 啊啊啊
[17:37.95]Wenda days are cold and the cards or fold and the saints we see are made of gold when your dreams are all feeling won t have locked the worst overall blood rooms there our hearts and I went out for you but with the beast inside as nowhere we can have no matter where we breed we still are made of greed this is marking them com Miss is marking them la 了
[18:39.06]Dv ark ins Collins Les over when the lights fade out of the seniors crossed the your green mask treatment called mea already Miss you Li
[19:05.41]Lay down his soul for you dont hang true no matter what we breed we still are made agreed this is making them in this is marking 灯泡
[19:28.96]昨天付了他一米X 1 米X in X TV 他de se is what you Mei ga c tu Fei 的错误的难受
[19:55.39]把你的q go your eyes a Xiao surprise upon us a better life
[21:08.31]I see these lights like swinging vine swing in my heart a cos a line in my face is flashing signs seek it out and the shelf I know but I m not that Ye younger but I m not that old I dont think well 的手里啊
[21:35.34]要上收容dub wrap the la la la everything that kills me makes me feel the love and the high and more counting dollars will be
[22:06.93]谁爸爸分手1 ni c na c lo
[22:27.76]Love and I feel it burn down does with every turn hope is a four letter word may Co watch 苁蓉不让的啦
[22:55.33]Everything that downs me makes me e ke and said no more counting dollars will become stars or 的隋唐
[23:33.37]噢噢take up less than watching or in less time watching everything that kills 咪makes me feel
[23:59.95]自己一颗东西好more coming 对着谁
[24:43.27]The next time
[25:12.38]Len we go lo memory have been searching for an answer always just that reach lo lo SAR baby 的事情this is my enemy Li 问你之南ly are you my bad sample any all the world dance a Du mim I amo res of you the back together double 幸福妮你这照片
[26:01.55]In sy de Le gates from an ni 做
[26:31.28]Los si mp
[26:34.80]Song pain rather bein bed ly that you Mei bang bang ni ao dian 发remy ma r bei ni ni ni c u q in my eyes y IRA 啷啷啷啷啷啦
[27:54.45]V go cinema 马上开始
[28:36.93]或许Tom 只是见怀春时一个遥远的梦
[29:06.12]幸福的婚姻和很有钱的男人一起来听一首张靓颖的dream it possible
[30:35.95]And a bottom to de top was about a wife I say never quit never stopped the risk about Les around the bottom to top respect while brushing quit and never stop its not until you fall ure 喽
[30:57.28]喂牛追上take a shot chase the sun find a beautiful or in turning test dream it possible

更新时间:2018-03-28 所属语言:华语 所属歌手:歪果Wiggle电台 所属专辑:歪果 · 孤独电影院 Wiggle Cinema






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