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[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com  [00:03.91]Good morning and welcome back to our channel and morning English time Jenny and I am kara 大家好 [00:09.34]欢迎收听我们今天的早安英文Jenny you have a sore throat yeah sorry I sounds crazy today are you today well apart from my sore throat okay but I m a little nervous and stressed out [00:22.87]为什么I have To Give a command that speech soon I really thats cool any of our audience dont know what could you explain the phrase commandments peach yes or well its a speech given To Graduating students normally a university a 中文呢 [00:42.31]我们就要做毕业演讲 [00:44.08]Com men cement speech [00:46.12]另外呢 [00:46.60]强调一句啊 [00:47.38]就是我们做演讲 [00:48.61]做一个毕业演讲 [00:49.78]我们用的动词是give like you said just now Jenny could you please repeat that [00:54.98]Yes I need To Give a commandments speech soon 对啦 [00:59.18]或者你也可以用deliver deliver the com men cement speech [01:03.65]所以呢毕业演讲啊 [01:05.15]通常都是given at graduation [01:09.47]Yeah graduation or we can say a graduation ceremony bu si er OK [01:14.21]嗯 [01:14.48]这两个呢 [01:15.02]就是毕业典礼的意思 [01:17.60]So the speech is typically given by a notable figure in a community so people like politicians are important citizens [01:27.20]大家应该都有所了解啊 [01:28.70]就是一般这个毕业演讲的发言人呢 [01:31.28]都是一些呃 [01:32.63]各界有头有脸的这个人物 [01:35.18]那其实现在呢 [01:36.14]也正值毕业季啊 [01:37.55]搜do you know if there is any famous speeches we may know this year I think we should know about Donald Trump 啊 [01:45.83]就是今年毕业季发表演讲的大咖啊 [01:48.35]有川普呃 [01:50.06]Hillary Clinton 希拉里Justin tu dou [01:53.84]他是加拿大的总理叫做贾斯丁特鲁多an opera Winfrey Tim cook [02:00.66]Sheryl Sandberg dian dian Brian and so so many right 就是奥普拉拉就脱口秀 [02:09.09]然后呢 [02:09.87]这个呃 [02:10.80]苹果公司的CEO 库克还有Facebook 脸书的扣shell Sandberg [02:17.10]还有谷歌云的扣叫做dian Bryant 他呢 [02:20.19]曾经也是英特尔的数据中心主管 [02:23.01]所以说个个都是大咖 [02:25.54]Bi Du Wei c owe refers to the chief operating officer 啊 [02:31.00]对 [02:31.30]就是you are so sweet Jenny CEO 呢 [02:34.48]是首席执行官阿扣是首席运营官 [02:39.88]Okay so we like to share some of the famous lines and costs would you guys so mostly these peaches are about life and wise words of wisdom and lessons these people have learned through life and sometimes some ideas about how you can be happy exactly so we think it may also be eliminated and inspiring for you guys out there 接下来呢就给大家分享的是呃 [03:07.51]这些年来啊 [03:08.47]这些大咖演讲的京剧希望呢 [03:11.05]也能够对大家有所启发 [03:12.73]有所激励 [03:13.69]那如果说大家想要获取我们本期节目完整的这个对话笔记的话可以关注我们早安英文的微信公众号私信回复毕业两个字就可以获得了 [03:25.47]But most people when they are asked to do does worry about what day should talk about and a very famous writer j k row Ling was no exception she said I rocked my mind and my heart for what I ought to say to you today I ask myself what I had wished I had known my own graduation and what important lessons I have learned in Du twenty one years that have expired between that day and Dis [03:51.03]嗯 [03:51.36]这是JK 罗琳在零八年哈佛毕业典礼上说的他是什么意思呢 [03:57.15]他说实际上啊 [03:58.02]我为今天应该给大家讲些什么真是绞尽了脑汁 [04:01.50]我曾经扪心自问啊 [04:03.66]就是自己问自己在自己当初毕业典礼上 [04:06.96]我想要知道些什么事情呢 [04:08.52]呃 [04:08.91]从毕业典礼那天到现在的21 年间 [04:12.15]我得到了什么重要的经验和教训呢 [04:14.88]所以你们看even someone who writes for living struggles to think of a good speech [04:20.71]Yeah it is not an easy task because you must remember that people will remember your speech for years so it does need To Be perfect 对那这个刚刚我们出现过一个rack my mind and heart is it like a phrase or something yeah just means that she thought very deeply and looked in her mind and hard to find the right words to say [04:44.65]所以其实就是绞尽脑汁啊 [04:47.35]费心尽力的想了一个什么事情你就可以用这个短语叫做rock my mind and heart could you please give us an example sentence as sure you could say I am we could say Iraq my mind and heart for your a perfect birthday present for you 啊 [05:04.78]对我有过这样的经历啊 [05:06.55]就是我真是为你的这个生日礼物啊 [05:09.07]我是绞尽了脑汁 [05:12.33]Okay so Du next one we want to share with you is a famous be famous cold sorry from Tim cook I m sure you all note 就是苹果的CEO Tim cook so he says for the most important decisions in your life trust your in tuition and then work with everything you have to prove it right 就是说对于人生当中一些最重要的决定呢 [05:37.71]你应该要相信自己的直觉 [05:39.63]然后尽自己的一切力量去实现它 [05:42.21]证明它 [05:43.02]我非常认同这一句话啊 [05:44.58]就是就是有点像follow your heart 对不对sounds like a cliche but its true yeah yeah actually just a few days ago actually Tim cook came back to his alma mater juke university and he gave a commitment speech yeah I watch the full video a 但是你刚刚说那个alma mater is like your your university your university you attend it yes [06:12.21]哦 [06:12.87]所以这个短语可以表示母校的意思 [06:15.36]大家可以记下来叫做alma mater 啊 [06:19.08]其实呃这个库克啊 [06:20.73]他就是在杜克大学获得自己的硕士学位的 [06:23.88]所以呢 [06:24.21]他算是回到了自己的母校前几天呢 [06:26.37]去做了一个毕业演讲so m Tim cook said the last to accept the excuse is that say that just how things are done here you graduate you should be the last people to accept it and you should be de first to change [06:43.29]嗯 [06:43.68]其实不仅是Duke graduates each and every one of you 就是大家每一个人 [06:50.16]你们都要记住这一句话就是 [06:52.17]你们要做最后那一个人接受这个借口 [06:54.60]什么样的借口 [06:55.41]呢 [06:55.59]就说 [06:56.07]哎呀工作就是这样完成的工作就是这么做的呀 [06:59.37]就是你们要做最后一个放弃努力的人 [07:02.25]并且呢要做第一个做出改变的人 [07:06.09]OK an other famous coach was from the Allan back in two thousand and night and she said follow your passion stay true to yourself [07:17.06]Never follow someone else is pass unless your in the woods and your last and you see a pass then by all means you should follow that [07:26.60]这个Allen 是那个Ellen show Alan [07:30.53]所以他这句话的意思呢 [07:31.67]就是说永远要追逐你自己的热情和梦想 [07:34.82]不要走别人的路 [07:36.56]It reminds me of what the process 的他在这个毕业典礼上面说了一句话 [07:42.32]我觉得有异曲同工之妙 [07:43.73]他说you are only on this planet To Be you not someone else information of you 就是你来这个星球上来到这个世界上就是来做你自己的 [07:54.29]而不是做别人的 [07:55.28]复制品仿制品OK [07:57.50]继续这句话的意思是说除非你已经完全迷失了 [08:01.70]但是你只看到了 [08:02.72]一条路 [08:03.38]那在这种情况下呢 [08:04.52]你就应该毫不犹豫地踏上这条路 [08:07.23]An other one we have is from Steve jobs and this is back in two thousand five at Harvard university and he said your time is limited so dont waste it living someone else is life dont let de noise of other the opinions drown out your own inner voice and de most important have the courage to follow your heart and in tuition [08:30.93]嗯 [08:31.23]要是follow your heart and in tuition [08:33.66]所以这句这几句话 [08:35.10]其实表达的这个中心含义都是差不多的说你的时间是有限的所以呢 [08:40.47]不要浪费自己的时间去过别人的 [08:42.57]生活了 [08:43.17]不要让周遭的嘈杂声啊 [08:45.36]别人的意见啊 [08:46.20]淹没你内心的声音 [08:47.91]那最重要的一点呢 [08:48.87]就是你要拿出勇气去追寻你的直觉和性 [08:53.17]Okay and one more thing to do in I like this one because its very simple and he says just remember you can climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket so not only you should follow your heart and in tuition but you should do something right 就是说 [09:13.72]嗯 [09:14.14]除了追寻自己的心和直觉之外呢 [09:16.87]你还要做一些实事去实现你内心的声音 [09:20.14]对不对 [09:20.80]所以呢他这句话是用了一个类似比喻的说法 [09:23.62]他说记住你是没有办法用插在兜里的手去扒这个成功之梯的去爬这个成功的楼梯的so you can climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets is interesting [09:39.76]另外呢 [09:40.30]如果说大家想要了解更多实用 [09:42.55]生活中常用的英文口语的话 [09:44.80]我们早安英文在喜马拉雅平台为大家独家录制了一档栏目叫做英文口语急救包 [09:51.61]大家可以到喜马拉雅搜索 [09:53.50]急救包或者早安 [09:54.94]英文就可以看见啦 [09:56.86]Well we hope that you find interesting and maybe go away and watch some of these speeches in their food traditions because you had AR quite interesting and useful for you 对希望大家如果说有时间的话呢 [10:09.97]可以去搜索一些呃 [10:11.77]这种各界名士的完整的演讲视频啊 


[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com
[00:03.91]Good morning and welcome back to our channel and morning English time Jenny and I am kara 大家好
[00:09.34]欢迎收听我们今天的早安英文Jenny you have a sore throat yeah sorry I sounds crazy today are you today well apart from my sore throat okay but I m a little nervous and stressed out
[00:22.87]为什么I have To Give a command that speech soon I really thats cool any of our audience dont know what could you explain the phrase commandments peach yes or well its a speech given To Graduating students normally a university a 中文呢
[00:44.08]Com men cement speech
[00:49.78]我们用的动词是give like you said just now Jenny could you please repeat that
[00:54.98]Yes I need To Give a commandments speech soon 对啦
[00:59.18]或者你也可以用deliver deliver the com men cement speech
[01:05.15]通常都是given at graduation
[01:09.47]Yeah graduation or we can say a graduation ceremony bu si er OK
[01:17.60]So the speech is typically given by a notable figure in a community so people like politicians are important citizens
[01:37.55]搜do you know if there is any famous speeches we may know this year I think we should know about Donald Trump 啊
[01:50.06]Hillary Clinton 希拉里Justin tu dou
[01:53.84]他是加拿大的总理叫做贾斯丁特鲁多an opera Winfrey Tim cook
[02:00.66]Sheryl Sandberg dian dian Brian and so so many right 就是奥普拉拉就脱口秀
[02:10.80]苹果公司的CEO 库克还有Facebook 脸书的扣shell Sandberg
[02:17.10]还有谷歌云的扣叫做dian Bryant 他呢
[02:25.54]Bi Du Wei c owe refers to the chief operating officer 啊
[02:31.30]就是you are so sweet Jenny CEO 呢
[02:39.88]Okay so we like to share some of the famous lines and costs would you guys so mostly these peaches are about life and wise words of wisdom and lessons these people have learned through life and sometimes some ideas about how you can be happy exactly so we think it may also be eliminated and inspiring for you guys out there 接下来呢就给大家分享的是呃
[03:25.47]But most people when they are asked to do does worry about what day should talk about and a very famous writer j k row Ling was no exception she said I rocked my mind and my heart for what I ought to say to you today I ask myself what I had wished I had known my own graduation and what important lessons I have learned in Du twenty one years that have expired between that day and Dis
[03:51.36]这是JK 罗琳在零八年哈佛毕业典礼上说的他是什么意思呢
[04:08.91]从毕业典礼那天到现在的21 年间
[04:14.88]所以你们看even someone who writes for living struggles to think of a good speech
[04:20.71]Yeah it is not an easy task because you must remember that people will remember your speech for years so it does need To Be perfect 对那这个刚刚我们出现过一个rack my mind and heart is it like a phrase or something yeah just means that she thought very deeply and looked in her mind and hard to find the right words to say
[04:47.35]费心尽力的想了一个什么事情你就可以用这个短语叫做rock my mind and heart could you please give us an example sentence as sure you could say I am we could say Iraq my mind and heart for your a perfect birthday present for you 啊
[05:12.33]Okay so Du next one we want to share with you is a famous be famous cold sorry from Tim cook I m sure you all note 就是苹果的CEO Tim cook so he says for the most important decisions in your life trust your in tuition and then work with everything you have to prove it right 就是说对于人生当中一些最重要的决定呢
[05:44.58]就是就是有点像follow your heart 对不对sounds like a cliche but its true yeah yeah actually just a few days ago actually Tim cook came back to his alma mater juke university and he gave a commitment speech yeah I watch the full video a 但是你刚刚说那个alma mater is like your your university your university you attend it yes
[06:15.36]大家可以记下来叫做alma mater 啊
[06:26.37]去做了一个毕业演讲so m Tim cook said the last to accept the excuse is that say that just how things are done here you graduate you should be the last people to accept it and you should be de first to change
[06:43.68]其实不仅是Duke graduates each and every one of you 就是大家每一个人
[07:06.09]OK an other famous coach was from the Allan back in two thousand and night and she said follow your passion stay true to yourself
[07:17.06]Never follow someone else is pass unless your in the woods and your last and you see a pass then by all means you should follow that
[07:26.60]这个Allen 是那个Ellen show Alan
[07:36.56]It reminds me of what the process 的他在这个毕业典礼上面说了一句话
[07:43.73]他说you are only on this planet To Be you not someone else information of you 就是你来这个星球上来到这个世界上就是来做你自己的
[08:07.23]An other one we have is from Steve jobs and this is back in two thousand five at Harvard university and he said your time is limited so dont waste it living someone else is life dont let de noise of other the opinions drown out your own inner voice and de most important have the courage to follow your heart and in tuition
[08:31.23]要是follow your heart and in tuition
[08:53.17]Okay and one more thing to do in I like this one because its very simple and he says just remember you can climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket so not only you should follow your heart and in tuition but you should do something right 就是说
[09:23.62]他说记住你是没有办法用插在兜里的手去扒这个成功之梯的去爬这个成功的楼梯的so you can climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets is interesting
[09:56.86]Well we hope that you find interesting and maybe go away and watch some of these speeches in their food traditions because you had AR quite interesting and useful for you 对希望大家如果说有时间的话呢

更新时间:2017-07-22 所属语言: 所属歌手:早安英文-每日外刊精读 所属专辑:早安英文






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