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[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com  [00:03.95]大家好 [00:04.73]欢迎收听 [00:05.33]今天这一期的早安英文 [00:06.95]我是卡啦 [00:08.03]我是狄龙你是啥 [00:10.34]迪龙your Chinese is really good yeah like a four year of Chinese boy 啊 [00:19.37]什么什么什么是zip zip it will be many forms of the pit but that one I just mentioned in the most common one is like shut your mouth zip your mouth okay okay I see [00:31.70]所以就是闭嘴的意思吗 [00:33.08]就相当于shut up [00:34.55]所以这个et 就相当于your mouth zip your mouth 嗯 [00:38.87]所以呢 [00:39.38]今天就是我们久违的小词大用的环节啦 [00:42.47]我们要讲的这个词呢 [00:43.67]就是zip zip 对这个呃长短音的发音啊 [00:52.85]一直都是大家的难点注意这个词他不要读成zip [00:56.24]而是zip [00:57.95]如果说大家想要获得我们今天这一期节目的文字版本笔记呢 [01:02.27]欢迎到我们早安英文的微信公众 [01:04.34]帐号私信回复笔记两个字就可以啦 [01:08.27]呃 [01:08.90]那其实为什么这个zippo mile 可以表示闭嘴呢 [01:12.26]因为zip 本身就是最基本最常见的那个意思就是拉链儿 [01:18.74]I think thats British English we just say zipper zipper zipper harder [01:25.64]所以就是呃 [01:26.99]一个英美式的区别啊 [01:28.43]Zip 这个词呢 [01:29.33]是因市里面表示拉链的这个名词 [01:32.12]但是在美式里面呢 [01:33.23]我们会讲zipper 就是zip 儿 [01:37.13]所以zip for you Americans is a verb 啊 [01:42.02]就是对就是拉链的那个拉的动作呃 [01:46.58]所以说到这个在不做拉链这个意思的时候呢 [01:49.64]就想给大家举个例子了就是Dell and always forget to pull up his soup was f ers 各位听众朋友想一想也知道刚刚是发生了什么事情我们就不多说了 [02:02.48]好吧 [02:03.05]那好接下来脉搏 [02:04.49]如果说有人裤拉链忘拉了的话 [02:06.89]我好像听到你们经常会讲说your fly is open [02:13.79]嗯 [02:14.06]就是有这么两种说法 [02:15.44]一个是your fly is open 或者你也可以 [02:18.08]讲zip up your fly 就都是可以提醒别人说你的裤拉链忘拉了这么一个说法 [02:23.78]但是为什么是fly because a fly is like that a little than Li part little metal part on your paper and you just gonna pull up to now in of d a zipper 呃 [02:37.34]所以就是FLY 这个词 [02:38.45]它有这么一个意思啊 [02:40.07]它做名词的时候可以表示苍蝇的love bug [02:43.97]它可以表示苍蝇 [02:45.47]然后呢 [02:45.89]也可以表示你裤子前面那个前裆开口 [02:49.22]所以呢 [02:49.85]这个flight 在这里就是用到了这个意思 [02:52.43]感觉下一次可以讲一下FLY 这个小词大用了还挺厉害的 [02:57.01]But actually most of the time when I have a sentence with the word zip or some variation of de word zip UN usually referring to something that is fast or wanted to close something or wanting to close something OK [03:12.16]这个意思呢 [03:12.82]可能我觉得我们大部分的听众朋友都会有点不熟悉啊 [03:16.09]就是zip [03:16.60]它可以表示快速移动或者说飞速移动做动词用 [03:20.98]并且呢 [03:21.70]在这个意思下会有一些词形的变化 [03:24.58]比如说你可以变成字P 就是形容飞快的一个形容词 [03:29.41]比如说de car is really zip e right or you could say the bird was so loud when it zip tie [03:39.11]你要飞快的飞了过去天哪这句中文大家知道涤纶练练了多久吗 [03:50.45]啊 [03:50.75]这句话的意思就是说 [03:51.74]呃鸟飞快的飞了 [03:53.15]过去的时候呢 [03:53.96]然后发出一声很大的声音 [03:55.94]或者你也可以讲the craft the across the bay 就是这个船飞速的驶过了这个海湾 [04:02.15]那么这一些句子里面啊 [04:03.44]这个字都是表示飞快的意思 [04:05.54]或者说快速移动这种意思 [04:08.11]Perfect care yourself as be learner just kidding [04:13.00]哎哟 [04:13.54]不错哦 [04:14.17]这是sip 的另外一个大用法 [04:15.97]就是you dont know the 啊 [04:18.55]They can also mean like zero or nothing usually in response to someone who asked questions about accountable now like how much cash do you cash do you have I have zip [04:32.19]We beat them tend to zip [04:34.26]嗯 [04:34.92]就是给大家解释一下 [04:36.30]当然他是一种比较informal X clock [04:40.26]对 [04:40.80]就是在口语里面通常都是在口语里面用它来替换zero 0 或者呢表示nothing 什么都没有那所以呢 [04:48.93]当我们比如说讲了you dont know the 其实就是you dont know nothing anything I stop [04:58.05]嗯 [04:58.56]对 [04:59.19]就是我们之前讲的那一期节目啦 [05:01.56]其实就是双重否定 [05:02.94]但是它是表示一个加强的否定运动的本就是 [05:06.41]一个懂得飞就是你什么也不懂呃 [05:10.67]然后呢 [05:11.12]还讲了一个什么how much cash do you have [05:13.76]然后呢 [05:14.06]你可以回答zip 就是zero 就是我没有钱我身上没有现金或者呢 [05:33.03]But usually you say you dont know Jack shit [05:37.02]就是说 [05:37.92]其实就是玉龙的反应 [05:39.48]对不对啊 [05:40.59]就是你什么都不知道啊 [05:43.05]所以这个呃如果说你要表达你对什么事情或者说对什么方面什么也不懂是不是可以在后面加about something you dont know this about something example you dont know this about Chinese history do you care a actually ideal 好了 [06:02.82]呃 [06:03.27]那其实我猜有部分朋友啊 [06:04.89]看到这个词就会想起就是你的电脑里面会有一些zip 格式的文件是吧 [06:10.44]就是zip file 就是压缩文件 [06:12.99]所以呢这个词也可以表示压缩打包的那个动作行为 [06:17.70]呃 [06:17.94]Means to make a computer file smaller in order to store it or send it to zip files so care we are doing his pot cast from ta correct right and what is drawn known for beautiful girls [06:37.26]Sorry spicy food spicy food yes spicy food get perfect so you can say that the food in ta has a certain zip to it [06:48.92]哦 [06:49.70]那 [06:50.30]那这个zip 是什么意思 [06:51.86]What does the words it mean here it means I ga bold flavor or a a a courageous attempt making something different 啊 [07:02.72]所以就是那种刺激性的气味啊 [07:05.24]那其实这个意思呢 [07:06.29]他最开始来自那个含义啊 [07:08.72]是来自zip 作为名词表示 [07:11.21]精力活力或者热情这么一个含义 [07:14.93]所以呢 [07:15.32]它也可以表示那种刺激性的味道 [07:18.57]As you can see there is a few different ways to use the word zip zip code 对对对还有那个邮政编码 [07:25.50]我们叫做zip code [07:27.51]嗯 [07:27.87]比如说what does it code 就是邮政编码是多少呢 [07:31.98]Yeah and we have in China but in America with your address you have like a five digit zip code 呃 [07:38.82]我们是six or is China has a lot more places right so finally a quick recap okay zip it zip your mouth kara 闭嘴zip American zipper [07:56.64]嗯 [07:56.97]这是拉链的意思 [07:58.32]但是呢 [07:58.71]因是讲美术讲资本 [08:01.06]Yeah your fly is open zip up your fly zip up your flight to London I checked checked 你的裤拉链忘记拉啦 [08:11.83]The craft zip ping across the bay 就是这个船呢 [08:15.16]快速的行驶过这个海湾 [08:17.95]That car is really sleepy 那个车啊 [08:21.07]开的飞快的the bird made a loud sound when exist by 就说这个鸟快速飞过的时候能发出一个巨大的声音 [08:30.10]Your such 你呀 [08:33.07]学你学的可真快 [08:36.28]在这几个句子啊 [08:37.48]里面这个zip 这个词的意思都是表示快速移动或者飞速移动 [08:43.33]And zip or zero or nothing [08:45.76]嗯 [08:46.09]最怕可以表示零或者什么都没有you dont know that you dont know nothing how much cash do you have zip 就是你有多少现金呢 [09:02.26]Perfect to zip files 打包或者压缩文件the food truck has a certain that 就长沙的食物呢 [09:11.38]非常的辣 [09:12.19]非常的刺激 [09:12.97]辛辣zip code 邮政编码zip code 邮政编码是多少呢 [09:20.62]And now cara I m afraid it is time to sit up to spot cast 对啊 [09:25.63]这个是我们之前讲过that 这个词呢 [09:27.58]可以表示want you close something right [09:31.15]那就是我们今天这期节目就到这里啦 [09:33.82]And a thumbs up can really give us some zip [09:40.21]对就是如果说大家喜欢我们if you like a re par cast you can give us a thumbs up 对 [09:45.67]如果说大家想今天我们的节目的话呢 [09:47.71]可以给我们点个赞就会我们就会有动力做更多好的节目给大家同时呢 [09:53.32]杂英文除了录制免费的音频节目之外 [09:56.38]我们也有精心制作付费的课程 [09:58.78]帮助大家更加系统地提高英文 [10:01.00]大家可以到早安英文 [10:02.74]的微信公众号私信回复会员两个字就可以了解课程详情啦 [10:07.68]And thank you for coming and have a good day everyone [10:10.71]我是卡啦 [10:12.63]我们下期见拜拜 [10:13.86]拜拜 [10:19.78]啊啊啊 


[00:00.00]90听音乐网 www.90T8.com
[00:10.34]迪龙your Chinese is really good yeah like a four year of Chinese boy 啊
[00:19.37]什么什么什么是zip zip it will be many forms of the pit but that one I just mentioned in the most common one is like shut your mouth zip your mouth okay okay I see
[00:33.08]就相当于shut up
[00:34.55]所以这个et 就相当于your mouth zip your mouth 嗯
[00:43.67]就是zip zip 对这个呃长短音的发音啊
[01:08.90]那其实为什么这个zippo mile 可以表示闭嘴呢
[01:12.26]因为zip 本身就是最基本最常见的那个意思就是拉链儿
[01:18.74]I think thats British English we just say zipper zipper zipper harder
[01:28.43]Zip 这个词呢
[01:33.23]我们会讲zipper 就是zip 儿
[01:37.13]所以zip for you Americans is a verb 啊
[01:49.64]就想给大家举个例子了就是Dell and always forget to pull up his soup was f ers 各位听众朋友想一想也知道刚刚是发生了什么事情我们就不多说了
[02:06.89]我好像听到你们经常会讲说your fly is open
[02:15.44]一个是your fly is open 或者你也可以
[02:18.08]讲zip up your fly 就都是可以提醒别人说你的裤拉链忘拉了这么一个说法
[02:23.78]但是为什么是fly because a fly is like that a little than Li part little metal part on your paper and you just gonna pull up to now in of d a zipper 呃
[02:37.34]所以就是FLY 这个词
[02:40.07]它做名词的时候可以表示苍蝇的love bug
[02:49.85]这个flight 在这里就是用到了这个意思
[02:52.43]感觉下一次可以讲一下FLY 这个小词大用了还挺厉害的
[02:57.01]But actually most of the time when I have a sentence with the word zip or some variation of de word zip UN usually referring to something that is fast or wanted to close something or wanting to close something OK
[03:24.58]比如说你可以变成字P 就是形容飞快的一个形容词
[03:29.41]比如说de car is really zip e right or you could say the bird was so loud when it zip tie
[03:55.94]或者你也可以讲the craft the across the bay 就是这个船飞速的驶过了这个海湾
[04:08.11]Perfect care yourself as be learner just kidding
[04:14.17]这是sip 的另外一个大用法
[04:15.97]就是you dont know the 啊
[04:18.55]They can also mean like zero or nothing usually in response to someone who asked questions about accountable now like how much cash do you cash do you have I have zip
[04:32.19]We beat them tend to zip
[04:36.30]当然他是一种比较informal X clock
[04:40.80]就是在口语里面通常都是在口语里面用它来替换zero 0 或者呢表示nothing 什么都没有那所以呢
[04:48.93]当我们比如说讲了you dont know the 其实就是you dont know nothing anything I stop
[05:11.12]还讲了一个什么how much cash do you have
[05:14.06]你可以回答zip 就是zero 就是我没有钱我身上没有现金或者呢
[05:33.03]But usually you say you dont know Jack shit
[05:43.05]所以这个呃如果说你要表达你对什么事情或者说对什么方面什么也不懂是不是可以在后面加about something you dont know this about something example you dont know this about Chinese history do you care a actually ideal 好了
[06:04.89]看到这个词就会想起就是你的电脑里面会有一些zip 格式的文件是吧
[06:10.44]就是zip file 就是压缩文件
[06:17.94]Means to make a computer file smaller in order to store it or send it to zip files so care we are doing his pot cast from ta correct right and what is drawn known for beautiful girls
[06:37.26]Sorry spicy food spicy food yes spicy food get perfect so you can say that the food in ta has a certain zip to it
[06:50.30]那这个zip 是什么意思
[06:51.86]What does the words it mean here it means I ga bold flavor or a a a courageous attempt making something different 啊
[07:08.72]是来自zip 作为名词表示
[07:18.57]As you can see there is a few different ways to use the word zip zip code 对对对还有那个邮政编码
[07:25.50]我们叫做zip code
[07:27.87]比如说what does it code 就是邮政编码是多少呢
[07:31.98]Yeah and we have in China but in America with your address you have like a five digit zip code 呃
[07:38.82]我们是six or is China has a lot more places right so finally a quick recap okay zip it zip your mouth kara 闭嘴zip American zipper
[08:01.06]Yeah your fly is open zip up your fly zip up your flight to London I checked checked 你的裤拉链忘记拉啦
[08:11.83]The craft zip ping across the bay 就是这个船呢
[08:17.95]That car is really sleepy 那个车啊
[08:21.07]开的飞快的the bird made a loud sound when exist by 就说这个鸟快速飞过的时候能发出一个巨大的声音
[08:30.10]Your such 你呀
[08:37.48]里面这个zip 这个词的意思都是表示快速移动或者飞速移动
[08:43.33]And zip or zero or nothing
[08:46.09]最怕可以表示零或者什么都没有you dont know that you dont know nothing how much cash do you have zip 就是你有多少现金呢
[09:02.26]Perfect to zip files 打包或者压缩文件the food truck has a certain that 就长沙的食物呢
[09:12.97]辛辣zip code 邮政编码zip code 邮政编码是多少呢
[09:20.62]And now cara I m afraid it is time to sit up to spot cast 对啊
[09:25.63]这个是我们之前讲过that 这个词呢
[09:27.58]可以表示want you close something right
[09:33.82]And a thumbs up can really give us some zip
[09:40.21]对就是如果说大家喜欢我们if you like a re par cast you can give us a thumbs up 对
[10:07.68]And thank you for coming and have a good day everyone

更新时间:2017-07-22 所属语言: 所属歌手:早安英文-每日外刊精读 所属专辑:早安英文






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