Solas在爱尔兰传统民谣乐队中和Lúnasa一样都是一线当红的乐队,受到世界上无数乐迷的追捧。Solas盖尔语意义为“光”的意思,根据记忆中的词源,sola和lúna分别为“太阳”和“月亮”的意思,真是有意思的两支乐队,音乐造诣都很高。Solas和Lúnasa的音乐动感十足,都属于传统音乐,擅长器乐演奏;与Lúnasa出色的纯演奏略有不同,除演奏好外,优秀的民谣女声也是Solas的强项(男声也是不错的,只是相对而言女声更出彩而已. 备受赞誉的凯尔特乐队Solas,是由笛子演奏家Seamus Egan谢默斯·艾根领导的爱尔兰五人乐队,是当代凯而特民谣领域中非常突出的团体,原因在于他们虽然大部分音乐具有很深的凯而特根源性,但却以不同于传统乐队的表现手法来演绎,他们使用的并非是我们常见的凯而特乐器,而是诸如吉他、鼓,甚至电声乐器等摇滚乐常见乐器,当然仅就这点也并非有如何特别,Solas除了有手风琴,动听的低音笛、哨管,后期还引入了班卓琴、布祖基琴,使得在熟悉的凯而特旋律中透露出颇有异域韵味的风格来。 在 Seamus Egan谢默斯·艾根的带领下,这支爱尔兰民谣超级组合通过融合许多非传统的乐器使得爱尔兰传统的音乐图景现出新的生机。组合的成员们利用吉他、班卓琴和布祖基琴这些乐器给他们的音乐增添了现代意味,而其音乐本身则是植根于爱尔兰传统的利尔舞(一种双人舞),快步舞和其他民谣形式之中的。作为一个天才少年,艾根十六岁就发表了他的第一张专集,并和彼得、保罗、玛丽还有拉尔夫·斯坦利一起游历四方。他后来和威妮弗蕾德·霍兰、约翰·威廉姆斯、约翰·道尔还有歌手卡伦·凯茜组合成了这支名为 Solas 的乐队。千禧年以来Solas融合多元文化因子,如爱尔兰民谣、美国民谣与兰草音乐等,保持其一惯的水准,当然变得更为流行了。相对2000年更为流行化的《The Edge of Silence》以及2003年的新专辑《Another Day》,此后Solas的专辑差不多延续这样的路线,均没有太大的出入,也没有了过多的惊喜;或许是领悟到了一种心境吧——平平淡淡才是真! by Richard Skelly Led by Seamus Egan, this Irish folk supergroup has invigorated the Irish traditional music scene by incorporating non-traditional instruments. The groups members make use of instruments like guitar, banjo and bouzouki to add a modern spice to their sound, which is heavily rooted in Irish reels, jigs and other folk song forms. A teen prodigy, Egan recorded his first album at age 16 and toured with Peter, Paul and Mary and Ralph Stanley. He later formed Solas with Winifred Horan, John Williams, John Doyle and vocalist Karan Casey. Though the group had no aspirations to tour and record, they soon gained a recording contract with Shanachie and in 1996 released their eponymous debut. Sunny Spells and Scattered Showers followed in 1997, with Words That Remain coming in 1998. Casey departed the following year to pursue a solo career and was replaced by Deirdre Scanlan, resulting in 2000s decidedly mellow Hour Before Dawn. While Scanlons vocal style was similar to Caseys, it wasnt until the group took a more contemporary and stylistic approach to their sound on 2002s Edge of Silence that she began to develop into a true force of nature. By the time Another Day rolled around in 2003, the group had gelled into a truly cohesive unit, spending as much time on covers by the likes of Bob Dylan, Nick Drake, Tom Waits and Dan Fogelberg as they did on traditional pieces. 2005 saw a return to their early days with the instrumental-heavy Waiting for an Echo. Egan and Williams have all recorded solo albums apart from the group.