fLako(Fer-拉A-扣),德国人实验嘻哈制作人,出生于智利,目前居住于德国柏林和英国伦敦两地,是目前欧洲顶尖音乐制作人之一,你随便去问一个beat(节奏,节拍,这里指器乐嘻哈Instrumental Hip-Hop音乐的节奏和旋律,昵称:比特)爱好者里的人,他都会认同fLako目前在这个圈子内的地位。他首次出现在大家面前是在合集《Beatnicks Vol.2》里,以他牛逼单曲”Inside“展出头角,但直到2008年后半年,他的“Vortex Cookies“混音帮助他获得了全世界范围的瞩目,这首歌原曲由Robot Koch制作,Cerebral Vortex献声,而fLako的混音版本被Gaslamp Killer, Hudson Mohawke等人强烈推荐,被著名制作人Jay Scarlett标记为”年度最佳单曲“。 目前fLako隶属与欧洲最红的独立嘻哈厂牌Project: Mooncircle,是厂牌内的众所瞩目的新星,在欧洲各种地下Beat派对/音乐节进行现场演出。08年的惊艳专辑《The Mesektet》 之所以命名为mesektet是因为mesekter是古埃神话中太阳神的太阳船 象征着flako的制作将要朝着一个新的方向发展 也标志他为自己一个阶段结束而脱胎换骨。fLako从不满足于现有成就,一直在尝试新的音乐手段突破自己,顺便无心的一次又一次的惊艳听众的耳朵。 fLako, Chile born and now living in both Berlin and London is one of Europe`s top producers at the moment. Whoever you ask within this beat world will give you the same answer. Though first appearing on Beatnicks Vol.2 with his banging “Inside“ Track already, it was not until his outstanding “Vortex Cookies“ Remix in late 2008 that the world took notice for real. His take on the Robot Koch produced Track with Cerebral Vortex on vocal duties has been championed by Gaslampkiller, Hudson Mohawke and many more and even got labeled “Track of the year“ by Jay Scarlett. Damn right so. Eversince fLako keeps on making waves always bringing you something surprising, be it with a contribution to Gilles Peterson‘s Bubblers Compilation, his 30 track heavy Beattape “First Spaceshit On The Moon“, unofficial remixes or productions for Shuanise or Amenta. He just finished his highly anticipated debut EP ‘Mini Tollbooth‘ and did we already mention he is straight KILLING IT live? As energtic as it gets going and far away from Laptop staring boredom he shows musical versatility too.