Leonidas Kavakos
希腊小提琴家。1967 年生于雅典一个音乐家庭,5岁开始随父亲学习小提琴。后进入希腊音乐学校,随卡凡塔里斯(Stelios Kafantaris)学习。继而受一项奖学金资助,得以至美国印第安那大学的大师班,随金戈尔德学习。1984年首次在希腊登台演出。1985年获西贝柳斯竞赛奖,由此名声鹊起。1988年获纽约的瑙姆堡竞赛(Naumburg Competition)及意大利帕格尼尼竞赛奖。此后作为小提琴演奏家,在 BBC Proms 及爱丁堡、萨尔兹堡等国际音乐节上演出。之后应邀与世界许多知名乐团合作演出,包括伦敦交响乐团、英国广播公司交响乐团、伯明翰城市交响乐团、慕尼黑爱乐乐团、NHK 交响乐团、洛杉矶爱乐乐团、费城交响乐团等。他还曾在巴尔的摩交响乐团、达拉斯爱乐乐团、明尼苏达交响乐团、华盛顿国家交响乐团担任第一小提琴手。卡瓦科斯还是一位活跃的室内乐演奏家,1992年,他在希腊的迈加龙建立了一个室内音乐圈,自任音乐总监。他也经常出现在世界知名的室内音乐节上,曾与达维多维奇(Davidovich)、古特曼(Gutman)、今井信子、罗斯特罗波维奇等音乐家有过合作。 卡瓦科斯在许多唱片公司录制过唱片,并获得了1991年留声机最佳年度大奖。《纽约时报》曾评价他:琴音醇净无暇,行云流水,但是扣人心弦,是本世纪继海菲兹之后最有大师风范之新秀。 卡瓦科斯使用的是一把 1692 年制作的斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴。 (木叶音乐) * * * 莱昂尼达斯·卡瓦科斯现已成为罕见的优秀小提琴手和艺术家,他以其高度精湛的技巧和音乐才能被大家所熟知。 卡瓦科斯从小便受到舆论界的热切关注。1985年,卡瓦科斯在西贝柳斯国际小提琴大赛中勇夺桂冠。3年后,他又在帕格尼尼国际小提琴大赛中折桂。这些接踵而来的重量级奖项,使得他经常受邀前往欧洲、北美洲、远东各国巡回演出,名声也与日俱增。 如今,卡瓦科斯总是与世界知名的交响乐团以及指挥合作,表演遍布欧洲与北美,并定期在世界范围内的各大节庆日进行演出,他也在室内音乐以及独奏音乐中有所建树。 在最近几个音乐季中,卡瓦科斯经常同世界一流名团合作:柏林交响乐团、布达佩斯节日乐团、克利夫兰交响乐团、古斯塔夫·马勒青年管弦乐团、以色列爱乐乐团、斯卡拉爱乐乐团、莱比锡布店大厦乐团、伦敦爱乐乐团、伦敦交响乐团、马林斯基歌剧院管弦乐团、北德广播交响乐团、匹兹堡交响乐团、鹿特丹爱乐乐团、苏黎世音乐厅管弦乐团。此外,与卡瓦科斯合作的指挥家也是大有来头:布隆斯泰德、布列兹、多纳伊、杰捷耶夫、费舍尔、哈丁、梅塔、蒂勒曼、万斯卡。 2007年10月,卡瓦科斯继罗杰·诺林顿爵士后,成为萨尔斯堡室内乐团的艺术总监。在2008/2009音乐季演出中,他与萨尔斯堡室内乐团一同在维也纳、雅典、德国演出。此外,他还经常率团前往意大利、德国、西班牙、希腊进行巡回演出。2006年,卡瓦科斯与萨尔斯堡室内乐团在自己家乡雅典的艺术节上献艺,演奏了5部莫扎特的协奏曲、指挥了3部交响曲。其中协奏曲与《第39号交响曲》由索尼唱片公司录制发行,并广受好评,《星期日泰晤士报》就这样评价道:“卡瓦科斯对于这部降E大调交响曲的指挥,显示出其无与伦比的天才,同他作为小提琴家一样振奋人心”。 作为一名出色的室内乐手,卡瓦科斯同多位音乐家有过愉快的合作:席夫、顾德曼、艾克斯、沃格特、列恩斯卡娅。在2007/2008音乐季节演出中,他在意大利、巴黎、波尔多、马德里、毕尔巴鄂、哥本哈根、斯德哥尔摩、伦敦巡回演出,并在韦比耶尔艺术节与萨尔斯堡艺术节演出室内乐。 1991年,他所录制的西贝柳斯《小提琴协奏曲》赢得了《留声机》杂志颁发的大奖。此外,他录制的比利时作曲家伊萨伊的奏鸣曲、德彪西、克莱斯勒等人的作品都是不容错过的精品。而他录制的巴赫与斯特拉文斯基的作品,得到了《留声机》杂志的高度赞誉:“卡瓦科斯细致入微的演绎赋予了音乐一种充满无限感伤的美感……他演奏时所营造出的那份宁静与细节处的剖析,实在不容错过”。 (《留声机》杂志2005年) Leonidas Kavakos is recognized across the world as a violinist and artist of rare quality, known at the highest level for his virtuosity, superb musicianship and the integrity of his playing. Born in Athens into a musical family, Kavakos's first steps as a violinist were guided by his parents. He studied at the Hellenic Conservatory with Stelios Kafantaris, who was one of the three important mentors in his life, together with Josef Gingold and Ferenc Rados. He broke into the international music scene when he won three major violin competitions before he was 21. In 1985, he won the Sibelius Competition and he subsequently was awarded first prize for the Paganini and Naumburg competitions in 1988. These successes led to two momentous occasions in Kavakos's life: recording, for the first time in history, the original version of the Sibelius concerto (1903/4), which was recognized with a Gramophone Award; and the honor of performing on the famous "Il Cannone" Guarneri del Gesù, which belonged to Paganini. Kavakos's international career has allowed him to develop close relationships with the world's major orchestras and conductors, such as the Berliner Philharmoniker/Rattle, Royal Concertgebouw/Jansons, LSO/Gergiev and Gewandhausorchester Leipzig/Chailly. In the 2012/13 season he had residences with the LSO and Berliner Philharmoniker, and he performed with the Concertgebouw with Mariss Jansons on its Jubilee tour, with a piece originally premiered by the orchestra, Bartók's second violin concerto. In the 13/14 season, Kavakos makes his debut with the Vienna Philharmonic/Chailly. In the U.S., he performs regularly with the New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony, Boston Symphony, Philadelphia Orchestra, and Los Angeles Philharmonic. Kavakos has always retained strong links with his native country. For 15 years he curated a chamber music cycle at the Megaron Concert Hall which featured his musical friends, including Rostropovitch, Heinrich Schiff, Emanuel Ax, Nikolai Lugansky, Yuja Wang, and Gautier Capuçon. In conjunction with his career as a soloist, Kavakos has expanded and diversified his musical horizons by developing a conducting career. He has conducted orchestras including the Rotterdam Philharmonic, Vienna Symphony, DSO Berlin, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Budapest Festival Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Stockholm Philharmonic, Gothenburg Symphony, and Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra. In the U.S., he has conducted the Boston, Atlanta and St. Louis symphony orchestras. Highlights this season include return engagements with the Boston, Budapest and Gothenberg symphony orchestras, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, as well as important debuts with the LSO and Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France. Following the prize-winning Sibelius recording in the early 1990s, Kavakos went on to record Paganini's 24 caprices for Dynamic, Ysaÿe sonatas for solo violin on BIS, recordings of Enescu and Ravel sonatas with pianist Péter Nagy for ECM, and a recording of works by Bach and Stravinsky. More recently, on Sony Classical, he recorded live Mozart's five violin concerti and Symphony No. 39 with the Camerata Salzburg. In 2009 he received an ECHO Klassik award for 'Best Concerto Recording' for the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto, also on Sony. Since 2012, Kavakos has been an exclusive Decca recording artist. His first release on the label, the complete Beethoven Violin Sonatas with Enrico Pace, resulted in the award of 'Instrumentalist of the Year' at the 2013 ECHO Klassik Awards in Germany. In conjunction with the CD release, Kavakos presented the Beethoven cycle in many European cities, including London and Vienna with Emanuel Ax; Amsterdam, Milan (where he and Pace were awarded the prestigious Abbiati Prize) and the Salzburg Festival with Enrico Pace, where the cycle was filmed for the Bayerischer Rundfunk. The whole Beethoven cycle with Pace is presented this season in New York's Carnegie Hall as well as in the Far East. Kavakos's second disc with Decca, released in October 2013, is of the Brahms Violin Concerto with the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig and Riccardo Chailly. Later in the 2013/14 season, Kavakos will record the Brahms violin sonatas with pianist Yuja Wang. Kavakos and Wang will subsequently give a series of Brahms recitals in major European cities. Leonidas Kavakos regards the passing on of knowledge and the traditions in music as a major responsibility. Since 2012, he has curated annually a violin and chamber music master class in Athens, attracting violinists and ensembles from all over the world. As well as his devotion and deep commitment to different approaches to music making, Leonidas Kavakos has always had a great passion for violin and bow making, which he considers a great mystery and, to our day, an undisclosed secret. He plays the ‘Abergavenny’ Stradivarius violin of 1724, and owns modern violins made by F. Leonhard, P. Greiner, E. Haahti, and D. Bague. Bows by F.X. Tourte, D. Peccatte, P.M. Persois and J. Henry are his most precious companions.