Max Bruch
马克斯·克里斯蒂安·腓特烈·布鲁赫(德语:Max Christian Friedrich Bruch,1838年1月6日-1920年10月2日) ,德国浪漫乐派作曲家、指挥家、音乐教育家。 布鲁赫出生于科隆,在那里他师从作曲家钢琴家Ferdinand Hiller接受早期的音乐教育,然后在曼海姆、科布伦茨、柏林等地从事音乐教学和指挥,1880年-1883年担任the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society指挥,从1890年到1910年退休之间,他在柏林音乐学院(Berlin Hochschule für Musik)教授音乐,培养出一批有名望的学生。 布鲁赫最著名的作品是他的三首小提琴协奏曲,其中以《第一协奏曲》最为闻名。此外还作有有小提琴与乐队的《苏格兰幻想曲》等。 Max Bruch was born in Cologne, where he had his early musical training, going on to a career as a teacher, conductor and composer that included a short spell as conductor of the Liverpool Philharmonic Society. From 1891 he was principally occupied in Berlin as professor of composition at the Berlin Academy. Known in his lifetime as a composer of choral works, he is now remembered chiefly for a handful of orchestral compositions. Orchestral Music By far the best known of all Bruch’s works must be his Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 26, to which the Scottish Fantasia for violin and orchestra is a relatively modest pendant. Kol nidrei for cello and orchestra, based on Hebrew themes, is a major item in cello repertoire, just one example of Bruch’s effective use of external themes. He left three symphonies in addition to a variety of other, shorter orchestral compositions (eg a Serenade, a Romance for Viola, and works based on Celtic and Russian melodies).