Main Attrakionz
Like Odd Future, North Oakland rap duo Main Attrakionz gained fame by self-releasing dozens of internet mixtapes between 2010 and 2011 (including Blackberry Ku$h, Two Man Horror Film, Chandelier, Rappers Aint Shit Without a Producer, 808s & Dark Grapes, and 808s & Dark Grapes II.) The two rappers involved, MondreM.A.N and Squadda B., started recording together in junior high. By the time they were 19 year olds, they joined up with a talented collective of left-field Bay Area rap acts and electronic producers called Green Ova. There, Main Attrakionz carved out their own niche, rapping over hypnotic beats with chillwave atmospherics. Blogs quickly picked up on the self-proclaimed “best duo ever” and some even went so far as to hype them as pioneers of a new underground movement called “Cloud Rap.”