他们是来自法国的5个大男孩,共同的音乐梦想使他们走到了一起,组建了独立乐队Chinatown(中国城)。多年修炼终成正果,他们于今年5月推出了他们的第一张专辑,名为【Cité d'or】(英文解释:City of Gold)。其实他们之前已经发行了一张相当棒的EP,叫做【Love, dream and whiskey】。他们的歌曲还被电影《Wicker Park》用作主题曲。 乐队成员:Pierre-Alain Faucon, Félix Dyotte, Julien Fargo, Toby Cayouette Gabriel Rousseau Chinatown is a francophone pop rock band based in Montréal, Québec, Canada. The story behind Chinatown is linked, not so much to the movie of the same name starring Jack Nicholson, but to the The Stills, an anglophone band from Montreal that contributed to the formation of the reputation of Montreal as a mecca of alternative music with the release of their first album in 2003, Logic Will Break Your Heart. Félix Dyotte, the guitarist, was in fact a member of the ska ancestors of The Stills, The Undercovers. Furthermore, it was Chinatown that wrote Retour à Vega, a song that serves as a financier to the band thanks to its song-writing money. Félix Dyotte first joined Pierre-Alain Faucon (piano) and then Julien Fargo (guitar and vocals). Since then, the band has released two mini-albums: Mes Long Beach and a self-titled disc