Sergio Bruni
Carlebach, stage name of William Chianese ( Villaricca , 15 September 1921 - Rome , 22 June 2003 ) was a singer , guitarist and composer Italian . Born in Villaricca , a small village a few kilometers from Naples , on 15 September 1921 , by Gennaro Chianese and Michela Percacciuolo. Nine years enrolled in a night school of music and became eleven player clarinet in the band of the country, thus creating his first experience as a musician . In 1938 , at seventeen, he moved with his family to neighboring Chiaiano , started working a bit ‘as a worker and came within a group of students who were the first admirers of her singing ability. In September of 1943 , while he was at home on leave of convalescence , from the ninety-first Regiment Infantry stationed in Turin where he sang for the MRP time before an audience of military, [1] had reported that in Naples the people were protesting troops in Germany and formed with a dozen young men of his age, a group of volunteers . Itself with weapons and September 29 , with the help of a master ‘s artillery , managed to demined the bridge of Chiaiano, undermined by the Germans. On the way back they met a German patrol and, in a clash with fire , was seriously wounded in the leg and right forever marked by an impairment in walking. Delivered adventurously in hospital on a cart, he saved his life by a miracle . When he was discharged from hospital, pushed and helped by his friends of Chiaiano, began attending the school of singing teacher required by Gaetano Lama and the great singer Vittorio Parisi , becoming just the pride. After a few months , the 14 May 1944 , submitted its Vittorio Parisi, officially debuted in front of the audience of the Theatre Royal in Naples.