When Now Meets Then
Luca Medici - Drums Delbert Perez - Bass Franco Kakarot - Rhythm Guitar Danny Lovet - Lead Guitar/Keybard Andres Corrales - Scream VOX Justin Camps- Clean VOX With their debut EP titled “The World Is Sleeping”, Southern Florida sextet When Now Meets Then are trying to influence change in their listeners by “Being the change that they want to see in the world” (Mahatma Ghandi). The band is composed by very young individuals - Andres Corrales [screams], Justin Camps [cleans], Daniel Khlioustov [lead guitar], Franco Varela [rhythm guitar], Delbert Perez [bass], and Luca Medici [drums] - who are in between the ages of 15 and 20 years old. Their lyrics not only speak to political issues and calls to awareness, but also address the personal problems that not only teenagers, but adults as well, go through at some point in their life. The variety of riffs, rhythmic patterns, and emotions used throughout their songs is what makes their music structure very distinctive from what you would hear nowadays within certain metal genres. So far, When Now Meets Then has performed at two shows only (a house show and battle of the bands at Revolution Live, Ft Lauderdale) before undergoing some line-up changes and embarking almost immediately, after reaching their recent and permanent line-up, in a fight against all odds to produce and self-release their debut EP. Being an Independent band in a place where there is not much recognition to this kind of music has been a very big obstacle to deal with. Everything from their videos, to their graphic designs, to their promo pictures and EP design, has come, if not from their own pockets, from themselves. By only reaching 1k likes in their Facebook fan-page with only two songs, one of which was a low quality demo, these young artists are more driven and ambitious than ever. And now, with shows already booked for the next coming months, you can expect to hear and know more of them as they fight , without giving up, against everything that gets in their way to make a difference in lives. So get ready, because soon you’ll be hearing, seeing, and writing about them everywhere.