Los Enanitos Verdes
by Drago BonacichArgentinean pop/rock band los Enanitos Verdes was formed in the late '70s by singer/bassist Marciano Cantero, guitarist Felipe Staiti, and drummer Daniel Piccolo. After moving from Mendoza to Buenos Aires, the band started touring the local club circuit. In 1984, guitarist Sergio Embroni and keyboardist Tito Dávila joined in, recording los Enanitos Verdes' first album, followed by Contrareloj, produced by Andrés Calamaro in 1986. Soon after issuing Carrousel, the band began touring South America, becoming one of the favorite numbers at prestigious Viña del Mar festival. Around the same time, "La Muralla Verde" started climbing the most important Latin rock charts. In 1989, los Enanitos Verdes successfully toured Central America, reaching the U.S. while participating in the Billboard Latin Forum Showcase in 1995. After performing at some North American venues, the original threesome lineup recorded 1998's Tracción Acústica and 1999's Grammy-nominated Nectar.