郑明勋(韩语:정명훈,拉丁化:Chung Myung-whun,1953年1月22日-),韩国指挥家。他指挥过世界上很多著名的交响乐团,如维也纳爱乐乐团。郑明勋在法国和意大利极有声望。 1957年 开始学习钢琴 1960年 与汉城爱乐乐团合作时首次以钢琴家的身份登台演出。 1974年 获柴可夫斯基国际钢琴比赛银牌。 1978年 结束指挥学习后移居美国,在指挥家朱里尼底下担任洛杉矶爱乐乐团助理指挥,不久又升任为副指挥 1983年 举家移居欧洲 1984年到1990年 被任命为萨尔布吕肯广播交响乐团的音乐总监和首席指挥。从那以后,他在欧美许多著名乐团中担任过指挥,如:柏林爱乐乐团、伦敦交响乐团、伦敦爱乐乐团、慕尼黑爱乐乐团、法国国家交响乐团、巴黎交响乐团和维也纳爱乐乐团。在北美,他曾应邀指挥过波士顿交响乐团,芝加哥交响乐团,纽约爱乐和费城乐团。 1986年 在美国纽约大都会歌剧院交响乐会上首次登台,曲目是威尔第的歌剧《西蒙·波卡涅拉》 1987年至1992年间 担任佛罗伦萨交响乐团首席客座指挥。 1987年至1988年,他获得意大利”Premio Abbiati”奖,并于第二年获得“阿图罗·托斯卡尼尼”奖。 1989年5月 成为法国巴士底歌剧院音乐总监。这是他事业上的重要起点。 1990年 开始与德国唱片公司合作录制唱片。 1991年 被法国剧院协会和音乐评论会选为“年度艺术家”。 1992年 郑明勋和他的姐妹们成为联合国药物控制工程的亲善大使,以推进全世界反毒品工程的推广。 1995年12月,郑明勋被联合国教科文组织任评为“年度风云人物”,并以其突出贡献被韩国政府授于最高文化奖。如今他是“韩国名誉文化大使”。 1997年10月到罗马任职。 2001年4月起 担任东京爱乐乐团特别艺术顾问。 2005年上半年 获“韩国形象传播奠基奖”。 郑明勋是女小提琴演奏家郑京和的六弟,比她小六岁﹐郑明勋的另外一个姐姐郑明和是大提琴家﹐姐弟三人曾合作演出钢琴三重奏。。 활동연대 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 출생 1953.01.22 | 한국 활동유형 남성| 솔로 | 피아노,지휘자 활동장르 클래식 > 관현악 데뷔 1976 |Berlioz:: Symphonie Fantastique, Dutilleux:: Metaboles |Dutilleux:: Metaboles -- 1. Incantatoire: Largamente 활동이력 서울시립교향악단 At one time he and his sisters, violinist Kyung-wha Chung and cellist Myung-wha Chung, performed together as the Chung Trio.[1] He was a joint second-prize winner in the 1974 International Tchaikovsky Competition.[2] Chung studied conducting at the Mannes College of Music and the Juilliard School. He also studied piano with Maria Curcio, the last and favourite pupil of Artur Schnabel.[3][4] Chung was an assistant conductor at the Los Angeles Philharmonic during the music directorship of Carlo Maria Giulini and founder of the Asia Philharmonic Orchestra. In Europe, Chung was chief conductor of the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern from 1984 to 1990. He was principal guest conductor of the Teatro Comunale Florence, from 1987 to 1992.[5] He has conducted virtually all the prominent European and American orchestras and made his debut at the Metropolitan Opera in New York in 1986 with Simon Boccanegra. At the end of the 1987/88 seasons, he received the Premio Abbiati Award from Italian critics, and the following year the Arturo Toscanini prize. From 1989 to 1994, Chung served as the Music Director of the Paris Opera. He opened the inaugural season at the new Opéra Bastille with Berliozs complete Les Troyens and received highly praised reviews from the music circle. In 1991, the Association of French Theatres and Music Critics named him "Artist of the Year" and in 1992 he received the Legion of Honour for his contribution to the Paris Opera. An exclusive recording artist for Deutsche Grammophon since 1990, many of his numerous recordings have won international prizes and awards. These include Messiaens Turangalîla-Symphonie and Éclairs sur lau-delà..., Verdis Otello, Berliozs Symphonie fantastique, Rimsky-Korsakovs Sheherazade and Stravinskys Firebird Suite, Shostakovichs Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk with the Opéra Bastille Orchestra; a series of Dvořáks symphonies and serenades with the Vienna Philharmonic, a series dedicated to the great sacred music with the Orchestra dellAccademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, including the award-winning recording of Duruflés and Faurés requiems with Cecilia Bartoli and Bryn Terfel. In 1995 he was honoured three times at the French Victoires de la musique classique, and was also named Meilleur Chef dOrchestre de lAnnée (best conductor of the year). He directed the world premiere of Messiaens last work: the Concert à quatre for four soloists (piano, cello, oboe, flute) and orchestra, which the composer had dedicated to Chung and the Orchestre de la Bastille. He has been the Special Artistic Advisor of the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra since 2001 and was awarded the highest Record Academy Prize by Japanese critics following his performances in Japan. In addition to being awarded numerous music prizes, Chung has also been honoured with Koreas most distinguished cultural award, the Order of Cultural Merit or Geum-gwan Medal (Gold Crown) 금관장, for his contribution to Korean musical life and was named "Man of the Year" by UNESCO. He served as Ambassador for the Drug Control Program at the United Nations and was Koreas Honorary Cultural Ambassador, the first in the Korean governments history. From 1997 he has been the Music Director of the Asia Philharmonic Orchestra, from 2000 the Music Director of the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, from 2001 the Special Artistic Advisor of Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra and from 2006 the Art Director and Principal Conductor of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.[6][7] In April 2011, the Seoul Philharmonic became the first Asian orchestra to sign a major-label record deal, committing to make 10 CDs for Deutsche Grammophon.[8] Chung will become the first Principal Guest Conductor in the history of the Staatskapelle Dresden beginning in the 2012/2013 season, and has agreed to conduct one of the Easter Festivals concert programmes in 2013. In September 2011, Chung made a cultural breakthrough visit to Pyongyang, North Korea, returning with an agreement to form an orchestra made up of musicians from North and South Korea.