被人称颂为自杀黑历史上最佳的唱片(之一)的《Death - Pierce Me》是Silencer的唯一一张专辑。乐队因为主唱Nattramn精神问题入院而解散。据传Nattramn仇恨人类,厌世,而且砍掉了自己的双手接上了猪蹄。并且用斧头袭击过两位女子,企图让警察杀死他。好的,从这个层面看他就是一个疯子。事实如此。如此多的噱头足够让人去关注这张唱片。何况唱片本身就是高水准的,Nattramn凄惨扭曲的呻吟令人难忘。 话说回来,为什么西方国家像挪威瑞典这么富裕,生活那么优越为啥还有人搞出这种不和谐之音呢?能不能这么解释,就是太阳底下总有阴影。而生活在美好的高福利国家的人们闲的没事干,就操起了这门艺术。放大了绝望,自杀和厌世的感情,描述了一般人们避讳很深的话题。可是人有七情六欲,悲观厌世和自我毁灭也是与正面情感并行的感情。悲观被人耻笑,厌世造成自我封闭,自杀为人不齿。这些情感被人们遗忘在阴暗角落里,害怕去沾染假装不存在。而还是那句话,阴影总是有的。在每个人脚下。疯子不会被人理解,人们坚信着社会主流的价值观和行为规则。一旦被打上了异端的标签,不管是不是真的异端都会陷入更暗淡的阴影之中。 马哲中国化中讲过两点论,一个问题总有两个正反的方面。很多事情从两面任何一面都能解释的清楚,很多事情两条路走都能走的通。看你的选择。好了,现在你再去看待这个疯子,你也会有大约正反两种看法。多数人还是会把这家伙踩在脚下。疯子二字的烙印实在是太深刻了。 而话说回来,厌世,自杀的情感遭人唾弃。而某位就是年代初期自杀了的摇滚明星又被人们奉为反商业化的英雄,当作众人的偶像经久不衰的加以崇拜。那这又是为什么呢?很显然,被人们早早的打上正面标签的,容易被人轻易的追捧和称颂。而被人打上负面标签的东西,容易被误读和咒骂。 同情这样的疯子,理解他的感情世界,是不是就像看两女一杯一样是件头疼的事情? 在硬币阴暗的一面翻过来把我压下去的时候,至少有准备。再坏多坏?坏道一个精神病人每天经历的世界?那说不定是他以为最正常的情感。 SILENCER saw the release of their first full-length album Death of Awe in late 2005 on Mausoleum Records, displaying a brutal progression in their forward looking modern thrash sound. Tracked both at Valkyrie Studios and Flatline Audio in Denver CO, it is the most complex and aggressive offering SILENCER has recorded to date. Higher levels of intensity, melody and structure mark the 36 minute, 11 song foray into the future of American thrash. SILENCER have carved themsevles a niche in the worldwide metal underground on the strength of past releases. These include 2000's Kozmos EP and 2002's Structures EP, the latter of which was picked up by Italy's Adrenaline/Steelheart records for European distribution in 2003 under the title Found on the Sun. It also featured a new track, back catalog favorites & rarities forming the perfect collection of early era SILENCER for European fans, including the guitar work of Ritchie Wilkison (ANGEL DUST) on the Structures material. US fans currently find Found on the Sun available via The End Records mailorder. Press from all reaches has been overwhelmingly positive towards the evolving SILENCER sound, including staple magazines as Metal Maniacs, Rock Hard, Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles, Terrorizer and the many more legions of fan magazines and webzines. This coupled with the band's strong work ethic (SILENCER have toured the United States since 2000 promoting each of their releases, including three primetime main stage appearances at Milwaukee Metalfest, The Chicago Powerfest, and many more signature and regional events) has created an underground buzz that will only increase with vicious devastation Death of Awe has unleashed. The band are currently recording their next record for release in early 2007; yet another step in the expansive and relentless SILENCER evolution.