AURA– 是一支俄罗斯的美声金属乐队,曲风是速度金属与异教徒和民间的元素为主。华丽的女主唱和男声的咆哮,琅琅上口的旋律和歌词,这支乐队充满活力的氛围和令人难以置信的能量。2009年AURA始建在莫斯科。该乐队不断在莫斯科演唱会会所的场地,参与节日致敬音乐会。2011年她曾在圣彼得堡和梁赞州。参加欧亚Sympho摇滚音乐奖。在2012年录制的EP“彗星”。预计在2013年推出专辑。 乐队成员: 瓦列里·Vedishchev - 键,音乐,歌词,唱功,管理 尤里“ASPID”克拉舍宁尼科夫 - 主唱,歌词 尤金Rodnikova - 主唱,设计,管理 尼基塔Grinko - 吉他 “星光”Starshinov – 鼓 AURA - charismatic sympho power-speed metal band. Magnificent female (academic) and male (growl) vocals, catchy melodies and lyrics in Russian create a bright atmosphere and incredible energy of this band. AURA formed in early 2009. In late 2009, the band recorded a demo album (4 songs you can listen here - "Hozyaika run", "Solntce-vesna", "Melodiya", "Deti oblachnoy strani"). In 2010, the song "Hozyaika run" (metal version) was re-recorded and released on DVD in the Dark City magazine № 57/2010 (July / August) edition of 11,500 copies. In 2012 the song "Hozyaika run" also was released on CD-compilations, such as VA Russian Operatic Voices(2012) and VA Beautiful Female Voices from Russia and Ukraine CD2 (2012). In September 2012, the band released a new EP "Cometa", which included three songs from the upcoming album: "Cometa", "Oasis", "Prorochestvo". February 14, 2013 the band released a new single, "Prizrak sudbi". In 2012-2013, the band recorded a full-length album, now goes to the mix. The band maintains an active concert schedule, always acting in the best clubs in Moscow, St.Petersburg and other cities. Shared the stage with: Xandria (GER), Arida Vortex, Andem, Boni Nem, Arctida, The Arrow and many others. Concert organizers, journalists, musicians from the other teams, and just listeners repeatedly marked stunning brightness and powerful drive live shows of AURA. Genre: Sympho Power-Speed Metal Members: ※ Valeriy "Azgaroth" Vedischev - keys, music, lyrics, vocals, management ※ Eugeniya "Runa" Rodnikova - vocals, design, management ※ Yuriy "Aspid" Krasheninnikov - vocals, lyrics ※ Nikita Grinko - guitar ※ Vladimir Poymanov - bass ※ Semen "Starshine" Starshinov - drums Hometown: Москва Record Label: Arsafes Records, KIV Records Current Location: Москва (Facebook)