Michal Prokop & Framus Five
Framus Five (also known as Framus 5; Michal Prokop & Framus Five; Michal Prokop a' Framus (5), etc.) were formed in the early sixties; Michal Prokop (vocals, guitar) was one of co-founders and later the spiritus movens of the band. Up to this day the band had constant shifting in the line-up, and more than thirty musicians went through it, but the most significant ones are Lubos Andrst, a renowned Czech blues guitarist, and Jan Hrubý on violin. The musical expression of the band was meandering a lot, while keeping the common denominator. In the beginnig, they were attracted to the Mersey sound (remember that was inthe early 60s), later shifted more towards the rhythm 'n' blues, Memphis style (at this stage the band was reinforced with brass horn section). Their first album, 'Blues In Soul'(1968) is exactly what its name suggests. However, a 1971 'Mesto Er', probably the most interesting point of their career for a prog enthusiast, with a prog rock that combined many elements, including blues, jazz big band, and poetry. Pity the band was not recording anything else until 1980; Prokop was doing various other projects as well as being involved with a theatre; and when 'Holubí Dante' (Pigeon's Dante) saw the light of the day, the audience was confused with more commercial, disco approach. However, the 80's, which are everything but acknowledged decade for the progressive rock, actually saw the band returning to the form: 'Kolej Yesterday' (College Yesterday, 1984), 'Nic ve zlým nic v dobrým' (Nothing For Bad Nothing For Good, 1987) and 'Snad nám nase deti prominou' (Perhaps Our Children Will Forgive Us, 1989) are good art rock albums, untypical for the decade, with oboes and violins adding to the sonic texture.