现代的岩石装备网格由Mark Hockings,Neil Taylor和Richard Silverthorn组成,他们都是乐队的键盘手和程序员。 来自“未来音乐”杂志的突然通知介绍了Mesh的声音,将乐队的三首曲目登陆了杂志的CD编辑。 仍然没有足够的嗡嗡声来创造一个创纪录的交易,Mesh形成了自己的标签Tolerance,并在1994年发行了一个题为“脆弱”的EP,后来由明年的纪念物资再次发行,以及一个全长的“永远在这个地方” 。代表作《Runway》。 The modern rock outfit Mesh is composed of Mark Hockings, Neil Taylor, and Richard Silverthorn, all of whom are keyboardists and programmers for the band. It was the sudden notice from Future Music magazine that introduced the sounds of Mesh, landing three of the band's tracks on the magazine's CD compilation. Still not enough buzz to land a record deal, Mesh formed their own label Tolerance and issued an EP entitled Fragile in 1994, which was later re-released by Memento Materia the next year, as well as a full-length, In This Place Forever.