Sunset Wings
Sunset Wings (夕阳之翼),于2006年9月在俄罗斯的加里宁格勒组建,由我们闻所未闻的凯尔特民谣团体Noc-Na-Rei的一个低音吉他手Alex领队,并且拥有12名之多的团员.俄罗斯是个这么博大迷人的民族,他孕育着一个又一个让我们为之心动的名字,Neutral,Stary Olsa ,Moon Far Away ,Majdanek Waltz,Romowe Rikoito等等啊诸多响亮的名字.不过说起Romowe Rikoito,其中负责大提琴的成员Anny,现在也混迹于Sunset Wings 的队形里,所以Sunset Wings 的音乐里也透着一股亦清雅亦阴霾的矛盾 在Sunset Wings 的音乐里,大抵能见安详.就如Adieu,低缓有素,背景女声把冰一样的寒冷萧瑟推向了一个极致.忧郁清冷的提琴萦绕在寒冷的夜色里,流水一样恬淡的吉他隐隐透着孤寂,美丽却也荒凉.就这样循环往复一整晚都不会厌倦。大提琴,小提琴,长笛,钢琴,口琴,安静的男声和空灵的女声,浪漫主义诗歌于传统民谣...... Music for us is a mysterious journey to the sources of nature, harmony and man's soul. We believe we do not create music, but music speaks through us... Well, how can we explain that one of us being child heard the music inside and even "invented" her own system of writing note signs (without any idea of a real system), but after years she heard "new" songs and melodies that has already sounded in her head long ago? Or, another one hear the music (that he never heard before) in dreams or in state between dreams and reality? Maybe such things has happen to you too... And one of the main things we believe is that music must lead a man to harmony and beauty, like wings of sunset, covering and bringing solace to tired heart, rising up one's soul, helping in its traveling through time and space... We are trying to do the best we can, it's our sweat, our tears, our happiness... We are appreciate for all who are not indifferent, hope something will found a response inside you too...