Pia Douwes
瞳色:蓝色,发色:暗金色 身高:170cm 生日:1964年8月5日 出生地:阿姆斯特丹(荷兰) Pia Douwes于1964年8月5日出生在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹,是欧洲著名的音乐剧演员之一,她是Doris Day的侄孙女,父亲是艺术收藏家,母亲是社会工作者。起初,Pia想成为一名照料残疾儿童的护士,然而19岁那年在迪斯科跳舞的经历使她意识到自己更想跳舞,于是她前往伦敦并在黄页中选了Brooking芭蕾学校报名,应试之前她没有经过任何专业的舞蹈学习,还扭伤了脚踝,但还是被录取了。一年后她从伦敦芭蕾学校毕业,先后参加了Susi Nicoletti和Sam Cane的音乐剧课程,以及Carol Blaickner-Mayo和Noelle Turner的声乐培训。据说Cane当时对Pia的父亲说:“如果她不成为巨星,我就上吊!”(爆) 1986年,Pia Douwes首次登上舞台,在Little Shop of Horrors的维也纳首演中扮演Chrystal一角。随后又演了一些小角色,1987年她首次在大制作的剧目中演出:她在阿姆斯特丹的Cats中饰演小母猫。此后Cats欧洲巡演,1988年巡演团来到俄罗斯,Pia担任了Grizabella和Jellylorum的角色。从阿姆斯特丹到莫斯科、维也纳,她把几乎所有的母猫角色演了个遍。(后来在1995年8月10日她又以嘉宾的身份出席维也纳的Cats公演,扮演Grizabella) 此后,1990年她主演经典音乐剧West Side Story,1991年又在Les Misérables的荷兰初演中成功塑造了Fantine一角,但最大的突破莫过于1992年,她在德语原创音乐剧《伊丽莎白》的维也纳首演中领衔主演的Elisabeth皇后。尽管当时的维也纳报界发布了不少刺耳的评论,声称“茜茜幻灭了”,完全不承认Pia的演技和歌喉,但她(以及Uwe Kröger)依然成为了大受好评的音乐剧演员,而Elisabeth如今则是有史以来最成功的德语音乐剧。 Elisabeth的角色她一直演到1994年,此后她又先后主演了Grease、Cabaret、Evita、Rocky Horror Show、Chicago等音乐剧,获得了极好的评价。 除了音乐剧及各种相关演唱会(与Victor Gernot,Uwe Kröger,Marika Lichter等朋友共同举办的一系列“In Love with Musical”四人演唱会等),话剧舞台上也有Pia的身影:Other People's Money, Jane Eyre,Savannah Bay,此外,她还出演了电视剧Wilhemina,并且经常作为特邀嘉宾出现在各种综艺节目中。在两集迪士尼卡通Pocahontas的荷兰版中Pia Douwes是印第安公主Pocahontas 1&2的配音和配唱者。 1998年,在荷兰著名音乐剧制作人Joop van den Ende的指导下,Elisabeth以超豪华的面貌登上了荷兰舞台。这次Pia Douwes以母语演绎,再度获得观众的喝彩。荷兰的公演落幕后,原班制作人马又进军德国埃森,Pia第三次出演这位传奇的奥地利皇后。在900场演出之后,她于2002年2月返回荷兰,与Simone Kleinsma,Stanley Burleson等音乐剧演员一同出演百老汇剧目Fosse。 2003年3月,新剧3 Muskeiters在鹿特丹首演,Milady de Winter又是一个光彩夺目的形象。(顺便说一下,这出剧后来出了DVD,至今有售哦……汗,广告时间吗?)2004年4月,Pia先后在伦敦西区和百老汇的Chicago中演Velma Kelly,之前1999年她已经在荷兰首演版中演过,所以这是她驾轻就熟的角色,只是换种语言表演罢了。不过,她可是第一个在百老汇领衔主演的荷兰演员:-) 2004年8月,Pia回到荷兰出演Sondheim的名剧Passion,扮演Clara。2005年,德国版3 Musketiere在柏林上演,Pia第二次饰演Milady de Winter一角,她一直演到了2005年10月30日。2006年3月至今,Pia在荷兰版Cabaret中饰演Sally Bowles,并将在夏季7月中旬前往Stuttgart担任最后档期的Elisabeth一角直至9月终演。 Pia Douwes (born on August 5, 1964) is a very successful Dutch actress in musical theatre in Europe. She is best known for having created the title role in the German-language musical Elisabeth. Douwes was born in Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands, as Petronella Irene Allegonda Douwes, to an arts dealer and a social worker, and is the grandniece of Doris Day. Initially Douwes wanted to become a nurse for mentally handicapped children, then she danced in a disco when she was 19 years old and realised that she wanted to dance. She went to London and searched for a dance school in the Yellow Pages. She chose the Brooking School of Ballet. Without any prior dance education, she auditioned (with a sprained ankle) and was accepted. One year later she attended a musical workshop with Susi Nicoletti and Sam Cane in Vienna. Cane is said to have told Douwes' father at that time: "If she doesn't become a star, I'll hang myself!" In 1986, she got her first small part in the German-language premiere of Little Shop of Horrors in Vienna. More small parts followed, and in 1987 she got her first part in a larger production, as an Swing in Cats in Amsterdam. With this production she toured Russia in 1988, playing Grizabella and Jellylorum. More parts followed, including Fantine in the original Amsterdam production of Les Misérables in 1991, but the great break came in 1992, when she got the title role in the world premiere of Elisabeth in Vienna, Austria. Though the Viennese papers wrote a lot of scathing criticism, such as "Munter geht die Sisi unter" ("Sisi perishes") and they denied Douwes singing and acting talent of any kind, Douwes became (along with Uwe Kröger) an acclaimed musical star and reprised the title role numerous times. Elisabeth is today the most successful German-language musical of all-time. Until 1994 she played Elisabeth, then played more parts like Rizzo in Grease (Vienna) and Eva Perón in Evita in the Dutch touring production. She was also active in other areas; she sang and spoke the leading part for the Dutch versions of the movies Pocahontas and Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World. Additionally she did the gala evenings In love with Musical along with her colleagues Uwe Kröger, Marika Lichter and Viktor Gernot. In 1999 she played Velma Kelly in the Dutch premiere of Chicago. Then Douwes went back to her roots and played the leading part of Elisabeth again in the Dutch and German premieres of the musical. After a total of 900 performances as the Austrian empress, she went back to Holland in February 2002 to take part in the Broadway musical Fosse, along with Dutch musical stars Simone Kleinsma and Stanley Burleson. In March 2003 she got the chance to play Milady de Winter in the world premiere of the Dutch musical 3 Musketiers (The Three Musketeers). The musical was later recorded (with her) and is now available on DVD. In 2004 she played Velma Kelly in Chicago again, but this time she performed in the West End of London and then on Broadway, being the first Dutch actress to take a leading role in a production on Broadway. Back again in Holland she played Clara in Passion. Then she went back to Germany to play Milady de Winter again in the German premiere of 3 Musketiere in Theater des Westens in Berlin. She played the part until October 30, 2005. In 2007, she was seen as a judge on Op zoek naar Evita (In search for Evita), a Dutch reality show. The winner was cast as Eva Perón, a role Douwes played over a decade ago, in a new Dutch production of Evita. In 2008, Pia was a judge on the German reality show Ich Tarzan du Jane in which they looked for both Tarzan and Jane to star in the German production of Tarzan and returned as a judge and coach on "Op zoek naar Joseph", similar to the search for Evita, but this series searched for the male lead in the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. In late 2008, she donned the turban as the infamous Norma Desmond in the Dutch touring production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Sunset Boulevard, alternating in the lead role with her friend and previous Les Misérables, Chicago and Fosse co-star, Simone Kleinsma. In 2009 she returned yet again to judge and coach the contestants of a new Op Zoek Naar... series, this time searching for the woman who would play Mary Poppins. After the program ended, Pia played the role 'Velma Kelly' for six weeks on the West End in 2009. From August 2010 until January 2011 she played the 'Killer Queen' in the rock musical We Will Rock You in Utrecht. She then toured all over the Netherlands with the Dutch production of Master Class, in which she played the part of Maria Callas. The tour lasted until the end of May 2011, with two extra performances in September 2011. Pia is currently playing the role of Mrs. Danvers in the Stuttgart production of Rebecca. Pia Douwes is the most famous European musical actress alongside Ute Lemper. She has taken part in over 25 CD productions, and was a duet partner of José Carreras. (wiki)