Katia Cardenal
尼加拉瓜籍女歌手Katia Cardenal于1963年出生,青少年时期就与胞兄Salvador Cardenal共组合唱团体Guardabarranco,他们精湛的表演方式立即引起当地乐界的注意,随後在唱片经纪公司的资助下,兄妹俩开始了他们正式的音乐生涯,所发行过的三张专辑在中南美洲皆创下极佳的销售成绩,一致性的高度评价,也让这个团体一时声名大噪、知名度满载。透过世界性巡回演唱,『卡蒂亚.卡迪娜』结交了像是Jackson Browne、 Bruce Cockburn、 Nanci Griffith、以及Peter, Paul & Mary等国际知名的歌手。1990年一曲Dame tu Corazon更是让她独自拿下了在赌城「拉斯维加斯」所举办的国际音乐大赛OTI International Song Festival的殊荣,至此她的歌唱事业可以说是如日中天。而她甜美感性的一流唱功也吸引到了挪威顶尖发烧音乐品牌KKV的青睐,在KKV热情的邀约之下,1996年『卡蒂亚.卡迪娜』与家人移居到挪威「奥斯陆」,开启她歌唱旅程中的崭新阶段。 Katia Cardenal :) (born June 19, 1963 in Managua, Nicaragua) is a Nicaraguan singer/songwriter, and a part of the nueva trova movement. Katia and her brother Salvador Cardenal form the Duo Guardabarranco, one of the leading proponents of nueva trova, known for classical songs like Guerrero del amor, Guardabosques, Casa Abierta and Colibri. As a solo artist, Katia Cardenal has released six albums with the Norwegian label Kirkelig Kulturverksted and two with Nicaraguan MOKA Discos.