来自美国的Black Metal / Ambient乐团,1998年组建。 成员: Wrest (Jeff Whitehead) - Vocals, All instruments (Twilight (USA), Lurker of Chalice, Sunn O))), GiftHorse, Krieg, Nachtmystium) 简介 Leviathan has released 12 demos before "Verräter" and 3 after. All early demos were originally released on cassette, but have later also been available on CD-R. Exclusive compilation tracks: *Destroyers From The Western Skies {2005}: "Hissing and Sullen" (5:01) Leviathan also contributed to the Ildjarn Tribute "Gathered Under The Banner Of Strength And Anger" on Pestilence Records (now known as |Target:Earth| Productions) with the tracks "Dark December" (3:20) and "Nocturnal Gathering" (6:05).