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Black Witchery

Black Witchery

乐队网站 blackwitchery.darkhorizon666.com 乐队成员 Black Witchery is: Impurath: Barbaric Bass Onslaught and Hideous Voice Tregenda: Hellish Six String Holocaust Vaz: Apocalyptic Death Hammers 谁影响了我 BLASPHEMY 音乐之声 BLASPHEMY, CONQUEROR 唱片公司 DARK HORIZON RECORDS 音乐类型 独立音乐 黑巫术生物:黑巫术是)成立于1990年在1996年Impurath出的骨灰美国黑/死亡不敬掩盖邪教(由...组成,以存在的唯一目的是黑巫术,粉碎,当前的虚弱头脑黑色金属圈可悲的失败者,没有怜悯和发扬黑暗,邪恶和仇恨的永恒真撒旦精英与权力的亵渎赞美诗。最初体现为两个乐队Darkwolf(与Impurath成员和前不敬,巫的名义),一个电视节目预告和演示,并很快被释放后,Darkwolf离开了乐队,由于音乐的差异... Impurath然后召见Tregenda和瓦斯,形成目前的邪恶三位一体并接受了黑巫术行的名称作为新的增长远远更加激烈和残酷的;离开其背后的旋律声风格Darkwolf的...乐队发表了即席的EP(军团的召唤无间道),然后是臭名昭著的“复仇Hellstorm邪恶轴心”分裂的lp /光盘(黑))与罗斯湾豪华记录,1998年异教徒征服者(翻录)....这表明分裂乐队的愤怒和黑暗残暴,并获得他们有一个伟大的乐队产生...美国正在处理的尊重作为一个少数真正的黑金属乐队也赢得了声誉,被住一个最暴力和破坏性的,黑色金属乐队曾经发挥了几个兽性显示显示此(最显着的分别为2以往任何时候都显示波段(二千○一分之二百)与金属godz战争亵渎在加拿大,美国第一个黑人前往温哥华为这种可憎)...乐队随后进入录音室录制它的险恶亮相,“亵渎了神圣王国生产的”富蒙...这张专辑是速度亵渎金属愤怒完全是黑色的大屠杀并广泛索赔的年份之一的最佳专辑,许多较新的黑色金属,也是最具破坏性的和灵魂撕裂的CD / LP的永远只公布的美国乐队....乐队继续他们的美国deathmarch通过现场攻击和欧洲,取得了许多狂热的球迷和邪教的支持者。乐队当时签署的Osmose制作谁发布了第二次可能“恶意攻击的剧变形式的”撒旦...这张专辑之后它路径的前身,但显示的波段在一个更加黑暗和野蛮的暴力和野蛮状态....更多的传统圣歌和不屈不挠,这张专辑很容易进入金属队伍被另一个严峻,将恶魔实体,并作为一个真正的丑恶的纪念碑,原黑在这些日子真风格的黑暗一面,发现很少... "Upheaval..." “动乱...” was recorded and produced entirely by the band (with help of longtime heathen comrade Kris Cook(who had worked with the band on the split years ago)...this gave the band the ability to properly obtain their vision without the presence of the music industry leeches ideas...complete with grim and horrific Moyen cover and demonic anthems such as "Holocaust Summoning", "Blood Oath" and "Heretic Death Call", the album has once again proved Black Witchery to be the most desecrating and savage black metal band in the US by far. Black Witchery will annihilate Europe in 2007 with the ungoldy Finnish cult ARCHGOAT and will continue the storm of damnation upon the weakling mass in the future...记录和制作完全由库克同志克里斯异教徒乐队(与帮助长期(谁对同频段的分裂年前)...这给了乐队的能力,正确获取音乐的眼光,不存在工业水蛭想法...“完整的严峻和可怕的大屠杀中沙覆盖恶魔召唤和国歌等”,“血誓”和“异端之死呼唤”,这张专辑再次证明了黑巫术是最野蛮的亵渎和黑色美国金属乐队中的一个。黑巫术将消灭2007年欧洲与ungoldy邪教ARCHGOAT和芬兰将继续大规模今后在风暴后的弱者的诅咒... Black Witchery bio: Black Witchery was formed in 1996 out of the ashes of the US black/death obscure cult Irreverent(formed by Impurath in 1990)...to sole intention of Black Witchery's existence is to crush the current weak minded black metal circle of pathetic losers with no mercy and to exalt the eternal True Satanic Elite with blasphemous hymns of power, darkness , evil and hatred. Originally incarnates as a two piece band(with Impurath and ex Irreverent member Darkwolf, under the name Witchery) ,a promo and demo were released and soon thereafter , Darkwolf left the band due to musical differences...Impurath then summoned Tregenda and Vaz to form the current unholy trinity and accepted the Black WItchery name as the new line up was far more intense and brutal; leaving the melodic sound of Darkwolf's style behind them...the band released an impromptu ep(Summoning of Infernal Legions) and then the infamous "Hellstorm of Evil vengeance" split lp/cd(Dark Horizon Records-1998)) with the Ross Bay heathens Conqueror(rip)....this split showed the band's fury and dark brutality and earned them a great deal of respect as being one of the few true black metal bands the US has spawned...the band also earned a reputation of being one of the most violent and destructive, live black metal bands ever and played several bestial shows to display this(the most notable being 2 separate shows(200/2001) with godz of war Blasphemy in Canada-the first US black metal band EVER to travel to Vancouver for such an abomination)...the band then entered the studio to record it's sinister debut , "Desecration of the holy kingdom" for Fullmoon productions...the album was a complete and utter holocaust of black speed desecration metal fury and was widely claimed as one of the best newer black metal albums in many years and also the most destructive and soul ripping cd/lp EVER to be released by a US band....the band continued their deathmarch of live attacks through the US and Europe and achieved many rabid fans and heretic supporters. The band was then signed to Osmose Productions who released the second malicious attack in the form of "Upheaval of Satanic Might" ...this album followed the path of it's predecessor but displayed the band in an even more violent and barbaric state....with more traditional hymns and unrelenting darkness and savagery, this album easily entered into the ranks of being another demonic entity that would serve as a monument of real ugly, raw and grim black metal in the TRUE style of darkness which is found rarely these days... "Upheaval..." was recorded and produced entirely by the band (with help of longtime heathen comrade Kris Cook(who had worked with the band on the split years ago)...this gave the band the ability to properly obtain their vision without the presence of the music industry leeches ideas...complete with grim and horrific Moyen cover and demonic anthems such as "Holocaust Summoning", "Blood Oath" and "Heretic Death Call", the album has once again proved Black Witchery to be the most desecrating and savage black metal band in the US by far. Black Witchery will annihilate Europe in 2007 with the ungoldy Finnish cult ARCHGOAT and will continue the storm of damnation upon the weakling mass in the future...

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