BLEE Project is dedicated to all the music collectors out there. One of my good friend "Aki" of Cosmos Record in Toronto Canada is owner of the shop. His record shop is known as one of the best record shop in north america. Aki owns super rare records that no one can ever find. One day, Aki and I started to talking about making an EP by using his collection. . Since then, we started to gather samples and started to making tracks for it. Even though, this is not a full length album, this project was very special and gave me whole lot of motivations to work harder and continue to collect great music records. Collecting music albums are not easy to do these days. There are just too many ways to download as mp3 and also just stream it without buying the album. I just wanted to show some respect to all the collectors and I am glad to start the year with project like this. Much love to Aki for giving me this opportunity! Peace"