Merca Bae
没有照片、没有简介,在google搜索他的名字出现的只有音乐,导致MercaBae的名字在社交网络上充满了神秘色彩。深受Reggaeton,Dembow及Dancehall的影响,他作品拥有黑暗的色彩基因又有主流Urban音乐的动态,MercaBae稳定的作品水平,让他的音乐成为地下场景中最棒的“舞池燃料”。 When his name began to appear on the social media, Merca Bae’s identity was unknown andmysterious. Now we know him as Spanish producer Alejandro Silva, a skilled creator of rhythms for the club and known all over the music scene. Very influenced by genres such as reggaeton, dembow and dancehall, his undergroundapproach and dark sound has a perfect dynamic with the currents of urban musicand mainstream sounds. His productions have stablished Merca as the creator ofsome of the best club bangers in the underground scene.